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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. The Giants have been really, really fortunate with their draft picks for WR's. Smith was a hands down winner. Nicks another hands down winner. They took a chance with Manningham in late rounds and it appears another winner. And Cruz falling into their lap with Barden ready to blossum and Calhoun looks like another real deal. It's incredible when you look back at how hard it was for the Giants to keep a decent second receiver on the field. We've gotta have the deepest recieving corp in the NFL. And most of them are very young and they don't seem to be hurt all the time like many recievers. I love it!!!


    Don't forget the master of disaster, S.MOSS!!!! :05-mafia:


    I agree that these WR are young and blossoming but tell you the truth, other than Smith and NICKs. I'm a bit worry about the other young guys. They really haven't proven much other than pre-season. But i am keeping my fingers cross.


    Sorry to be a debbie downer, just like to put in my 2 cent..

  2. wish i can join you.. but with prices so high, even the dam parking pass are going for $70+ on ebay. don't think i can make this FIRST game.. but i will go to at least ONE game this season..


    it pisses me off with the prices of these tickets. i mean 200bucks for decent mid sections???.. since you're a season ticket holder... i wonder if you had to sell your kidney to the black market....

  3. My link


    freaking serous???.. even tho we are rank 19.. but we are last below all 3 teams in our division... o.k.. i'm glad. cuz we get shit cracking when we're under the radar...!!!!


    let's Rock and freaking ROLL HERE



    boy, i need to lay off the bottle.....

  4. been riding only for the last two season.. yesterday was the first time i went without a jacket.. it felt weird and i probably won't do that again, no matter what heat i'm facing...


    this dude is lucky he came out untouched.... the most stupidest move you can do is ride without a full face helmet (HD riders are already brain dead, they don't count)...


    On before i kick that leg over: Full face helmet, leather or txt jacket, gloves with protected knuckles, boots tims or sidi... and i'm planning on getting a back protector...


    ride safe fellow Giant Fans...

  5. geez.. 4000-12000?? that's bout the same amount for good blow and hoe for the year... i call up last year and found out i'm number 24,321 on the list... been there since 2004.

  6. you may be right Peyton was finding Reggie Wayne in the afc championship against Revis, especially on comeback routes, Revis didn't seem to have enough speed to recover. He is great at jamming receivers at the line though, and like I said someone of his overall caliber at corner, is rare these days, so he will get his pay day.


    yeh i notice that too..


    what i notice on some replays is that Revis use his elbow to jam/slow the WR. He would run side by side with them and use the elbow to feel their position.. this works to slow them down and basically shut them down. but like you mention on comeback routes. it'll expose the drawbacks of that little trick because if he's relaying on feel, he won't know where the WR is at once he can't feel them....

  7. i'm aint no expert but from watching a few of his games,, he'll get expose next season.. but that's just either me talking smack bout the jets cuz i dislike Rex and the color green.. anyways, the Jets will fork out around that much to keep him around due to all the hype...

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