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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. All good things to have. I thought Koets came on pretty good for us, especially in the Houston game ( leg whip aside )


    WLB is an interesting position. I like the way Fewel has used Grant as sort of a hybrid LB / Safety has been a great answer to 1 back / shotgun sets. A smallish college LB with great speed might be a nice player type to look for.



    Could be the fact Fewel realized our LBs sucks balls.... but a LB/Safety does sound pretty awesome.


    as for the O-line, we need one from the draft. the Indy game clearly show us that.

  2. It could be the fact that he finally realized if he don't stop running like a female and pound it in, he could be cut next year. Don't think there will be another team that would fork out the money the giants did.


    I always though he ran the way he did was to preserve his health and to extend his career. But the whole world know he is more of a straight up runner

  3. After the green bay game during the 07 superbowl season I would of though they were out there searching for a kicker. Till this day I still see this clown out there missing unmissable balls. This also lead me to believe Tyne is sucking one or all of the front office.

  4. Being really early in the season...there is time to turn this around. Aside all the fuckups which you can go to any other thread for, i was pretty happy with how well they moved the ball in the first half.


    We can only hope someone steps up this week and does what only another player on that team can do...hold people accountable and light a fire under their ass.


    On a side note, anyone miss the Coughlin of old? The good feelings Coughlin is fine but the prick deep down inside him needs to start grabbing people by the face mask.


    that would be me, Remember the last titan game where Kiwi made the unforgettable error and without audio you can read every word spitting outta TC's lips... i want that grumpy old man back!!!!


    There's also no leadership within the team. Leaders are suppose to chew up another player on the bench for making stupid game causing penalties or other BS..



    below is an example:


  5. it was all the coaches fault... they saw that Eli has no time to pass and yet still don't provide the Oline any help at all. but again. our O-line is getting a bit old. The defense is trying something new and thinking outside the box which is what i like. but when you loss.. it's hard to accept it. that's part of the NFL..

  6. Agree, they pull the LB because they have faith in our DL to stop the run and gamble on our SS to take care of their pro TE.. besides, would you put any of our LB's to take care of Dallas Clark??.. it's interesting but sadly it didn't work out.


    It isn't much of our Defense that lost the game for us. i think it's more of our front O-line. more than one of these guys must be in some type of injury or just ain't getting any younger.

  7. well. i know he got hurt during the 2nd Qtr and still got a TD afterward.. I think it's up to the doctors to clear him. In a fantasy stand point, HEllz yeh he should start!!! guy is a monster.. .


    i vote he shouldn't and heal up..

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