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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. i almost threw up in my mouth everytime they praise how great these eagles are.. The skins gave up after the first 15minute. I lost any respect i had for McNutts... i mean after signing a 5 year contract at least finish up the game like a pro.. god dammmnnnn :05-mafia:

  2. In four years he never got a chance? Hixon, Smith, Manningham, Nicks, Barden all came in after him, all but Nicks were drafted at the same round or in a lower round than him, and all of them ended up higher on the depth chart. Hell, Cruz beat him out THIS year, and he was an UFA; Hixon we picked up on waivers. There's been a couple of seasons where Gilbride said the job was his to lose, and he lost it!


    He wasn't particularly good as a WR, terrible on specials. He was brought in to eventually take over for Amani, and couldn't do that. He couldn't stay healthy, and he was part of the reason we had to draft so many WRs so high in later drafts in the first place.


    How in the world did he not get a chance? Better still, who would you have cut playing time for so Moss could "prove himself" out of Burress/Toomer/Smith? I won't bother with 2006, because he had that injured quad that entire season.


    well done my friend, well done.... :thumbs:

  3. And how many SBs have they won?


    Garrett is just another Jones puppet.


    yeah but that's because Romo is a clown that can't get pass the playoff spot light... but i do agree with you that the problem starts from up top and that's good old jerry.....

  4. This is actually bad news for us..... Think about it.. JG been waiting for this job for a long time when he pass up other head coaching jobs few years ago... The last two years this cowgirl team been firing up the score board and it's because of JG.


    I personally don't think ROmo is that great of a QB. so I don't think their offense could be this bad. Could it be possible that JG is the mastermind behind this Wade Philips being fired????.. :confused:

  5. Forget it.. i will not cheer for dallas!!!!.. Giants play best when on road anyways... and plus. i want dallas to keep on losing. so when they get the number draft pick.. jerry jones can kill himself by forking over millions on unproven/bust college kids..

  6. The last time we played Seattle! 44-6, 2008.



    Ahhhh. Good old 2008 Was that the year where we got our ass handed to us on national TV against the Browns after starting the season looking unstoppable ??? Which also lead to shit hitting the fan with plex shooting his leg.....


    Don't think any of us can get that outta our heads. It's stained for life


    Anyone betting?

  7. At 6'4", Whitehurst has perfect size, a strong arm, excellent mobility, and good pocket presence. He lasted until the third round in 2006 because he was too inconsistent in college; the scouting report on him says he tried to force too many throws downfield.


    did a little digging on this dude..... seems very raw coming out from college. after reading some scouting reports during his draft year. It seems he a lower version of Rivers. But with the years on the side line, it's unknown how much he's developed. I mean if seahawks is willing to give up so much for this dude.. i'm sure he's pretty good. Just don't know how much he learn from the new system.


    overall, i think we'll get a Win.... Vegas currently have us favorite by 7....

  8. KIWI is a DE/LB hybrid, why the hell are we going to part with that type of talent??? i don't care how great Osi is playing or the fact that we drafted JPP. Neither of those can do the amount of things Kiwi can. Osi is back to his old self, getting at QB and stripping balls, but we all know he can be a little bitch sometimes. JPP showed great talent but that's because other teams really haven't show much focus on him yet.......


    a team with a DE/LB and a LB/DB hybrid is a D coach's dream... i really hope JR put some though into it... excuse my vent, freaking pissed from the news..

  9. Heard the name Gruden due to his experience under Al Davis. Both organizations run by the owner. Also thought that Dallas would take a look at John Fox should he get canned in Carolina. Fox doesn't strike me as a 'yes-man' though.

    Thinking Jerry Jones is just retarded and arrogant enough to keep Wade Phillips.


    if cowboys can win the last 3 game outta 5.. it might happen... jones need to get his ass outta the office and hire a G.M. oo wells, good for us......

  10. I know it's too early to talk Super Bowl, but how great would it be is the Giants played the Jets in this year's Super Bowl? Think about it. Two New York teams playing for a championship in Texas at his trillion dollar stadium. Classic. Would love to see his stupid, plastic face. :rock:


    let's get this straight it's only a billion or so, it's chump change for the U.S treasury .. our stadium is close to that amount..


    it would be Awesome to play the SB in his little bird cage tho ..

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