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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. I see Fewell going to a another head coaching gig. We always lose our coordinators and they go on to have great success has head coaches for other teams. We let go of Belichick and stuck with Ray Handley to become our head coach. We stuck with Fassel instead of Sean Payton. Fewell will go somewhere by time we get rid of Coughlin/Gilbride


    if i remember correctly, Sean Payton' couldn't run the offense forcing Fassel to take over, which lead to Payton leaving the following year. But i'm sure the picture ain't as clear as just that.. Giants always have a thing for keeping their HC till shit finally hit the fan...... and it cost us many great coaches.


    but i do believe TC will finish the contract. He's a great coach but he's too loyal to his guys (GiLfart)..

  2. True. In the NFL you never know when it might be your last game. He should have demanded a big pay day while he was our best WR by far.

    I also agree. If he dose sit out, think of the amount of people here calling for his head?? LOL. Yeah NFL is a double edge sword. You have guys like rocky Bernard that arent worth a dime then you have guys like Steve smith. I guess it's all about the fung shiu lol


    With that said I believe Steve smith should get paid but the contract won't be as big If he were to sit out during the season. Because our front office are about what you can do for me tomorrow not what you done for me.

  3. yeah you can smell shit from a mile away..... this dude is clearly another one of those guys thinking he's the shit when all is right. but won't take the blame when shit hit the fan... my friend saw him in Atlantic City and said he's such a douche rolling up in there the way he did.. let me not get into details. ...

  4. Ahhhh I'm so glad someone brought this up... I too feel the same. We basically had to make sure Eli don't lose the game for us.... Eli's biggest problem is his inconsistency and it hasn't changed thru the years..... Rememmeber how we won the 07 superbowl?? It was our top notch defense and running the ball down the field. Yes Eli had a magical game vs the Pats but were we really expecting it from him??


    He's a above avg QB and still could be great but he need to stop over thinking plays. As for the Philly game. The running game has to carry it.

  5. Yea I remember 2 years ago or so.. a Giants game was to air on NFLN and I didn't have it at the time.. I went to a bar nearby (irish) and I looked like a total stranger.. well it was the first time anyone had seen me there and it was more like a neighborhood bar.. "where everybody knows your name"... everyone was or at least looked Irish.. and yours truly looked Italian... safe to say it was awkward lol. I left the bar after I got a text from my friend telling me the game was on Channel 4 lol.


    I went upstate Utica NY for college... try wearing a flashy giants jersey and being asian going into a local bar... guys gave me shit but it was all fun and games... after a few beers everyone seems to be cool. bills fans, steeler fans and jets fans, we all got along. Just need an open mind.

  6. I'm thinking he could be had for a 2nd and taking on part of the garauntee. He of course brings a lot of baggage, but Shanahan misshandled that from the start, jusrt like McDaniels did with Cutler. Not saying he wasn't a dick before but given the proper sytem (which I think he fits us well) and the right motivation (he stilll wants to be the best DT ever) he could be a beast in the middle of our line.



    But, has the deadline passed? I'm really unsure how that all works in the nfl, perhaps for next season.


    Yeah it would be great to have that force in the middle but is it really worth it?? Giants already invested a shit load on bernard and canty. I know it might have not really paid off but neither are we really unhappy with the CURRENT line chemisty. Skins aren't stupid enough to send Albert our way and we won't risk it neither... Wish it's like fantasy football where money ain't consider.

  7. Ahhhhhh. What a great butt rape that was!!!!! Brady and co didn't really give a crap about sportsmanship one bit!!! Can't be pulling a Robbie outta the ass every frecking week REX! I only hate the jets cuz 75% of their fans hates the Giants.

  8. Well if by some type of Jesus on water trade the redskins are crazy enough to give us fatty Al. They would demand a shit load!!! Like part of that garentee money, one or two of our players and/or draft picks. But what they really deserve is a 4 round pick and part of that garentee money...

  9. You can always push Manningham to the 4th spot. Or.. who said we can't have a WR rotation like we do with DLs?


    ahhh i don't think the risk and reward is worth it... as much as i would like to have Burress back. I think it'll disturb the chemistry between the QB-WR group. Either he deserve it or not, Burress will feel entitle to have his top spot back. A tone is set in the group and i don't think the coaches would like to mess with it anyways.

  10. The winner of the NFC West has a losing record and goes to the playoffs with that losing record. And wouldn't it suck if they began to win in the playoffs and win the SB after having a losing record?


    their best teams are 5-6 right now.


    not really.......

  11. wow. you guys are giving praise to this dude who's middle name is "open book"... the Jag's defense is rank near bottom of the league and he has to pull some crazy prayers for us to just sneak in a win?? and that's because our Defense went ape shit on Garrard and Co.


    let's imagine our Defense gave up the TD and lost this game.. i'm sure the tone here would be quit different and you guys are out for blood....

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