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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. That's a little early for a guard, isn't it? Or is Pouncey that good?


    I also have question regarding this dude. I'm starting to think just because his brother is all pro, all the draft guys are jumping on this dude in hope he can mimic his brother. But if he's so great, why was his brother playing Center while he's playing guard? Why couldn't he come out for the draft the same year along with his bro? Why he moved to Center afterward?


    On another hand, their Agent probably though if both comes out to the draft, one won't be drafted as high. Still, i would rather have the first Pouncey than the second. Like what Ricky Bobby say " if you ain't first, you're last"...

  2. I actually like their music man....however I was an amateur sound mixer back in the early days of rap and let me tell you during the half time show I was in the kitchen cooking up some slow crock pot chili and boy oh boy. I had the TV turned up and I heard a sound engineers worst nightmare. The levels were all set wrong; it was as if no one had ever done a sound check in that stadium before and you know what they probably never did. Remember this is their first SB in that glitzy shithouse of Jerry's. :laugh:


    No one thought to factor in the sound absorbing characteristics of all of those bodies plus factor in the changed seating arrangements of the SB crowd as opposed to the regular season. You could not hear Usher at all; Fergie kept ululating in and out of range another indication that the sound engineers did not do their jobs. They kept trying to find the right mix right in the middle of the songs. They went live and that was another mistake; they should have just lip-synched. In a new stadium there were just too many factors to account for. :rules:


    you got that right.. it sounded like crap and neither did the group sang well. it was one of the worst half time show i have ever seen in my life. I was actually hoping the whole group drop dead from their little stun in the beginning.. that and falling on top of Jerry jones...


    anyways as far as Fergie go's.. there's just a thing about chicks singing how hot they are when they look like road kill... and those NAPKIN pictures are insane..

  3. Man, screw Jerry and this Superbowl Half time show.. what a waste of time that was. One of the worst as well... couldn't hear what those clowns were singing nor were the singing any good....


    overall middle finger you to jerry, you old dirt bag.. as for those seats.. you're a punk for dissing these people. air fair, hotel, food and all that crap adds up.. imagine i'm a crazy packers fan and missed this game. i would be out head hunting for ya...

  4. I guess you didn't watch much football this year. Edwards caught everything thrown to him. As for height, we're not playing basketball.


    Eli does fine throwing to 6' receivers. Rice and Holmes are the best of the league.


    I started hating the jets after due to all that yapping. But for the few games that i did watch. The long throws where Edwards is wide open. he just totally lost focus and drop the easy TD. not saying that's enough to make my point but here's a little stat i found.


    Ewards Stats


    Edwards caught about half the pass thrown to him which makes him avg. Other than 2007 he haven't pass 1,000+ yards mark. Now, would you really want this guy compare to our current top 3?


    I really think Height does matter in this league. People can jump high but to have the frame to shield your opponent and jump for the high ball. That's something Plex has. I don't recall Eli over throwing so much compare to the past when Plex was here.

  5. I'd rather have Braylon Edwards, Sidney Rice or Santonio Holmes.


    Braylon Brick Hands Edwards?? no thanks. Sidney and Holmes are both midgets compare to Plex.. with Eli throwing the ball 10 foot high, we need someone with height...

  6. I really think it's a win for both sides if Giants can get Plex back. that's if he's in football shape. For him to go else where would be insane. It takes a while to understand a team's system and have a feel for your QB.. If Plex is smart, he should def do this and showcase his skills to increase his value for another contract..

  7. What's with the all the hatin' on the offensive line? I thought they were great this year. Snee was his usual... terrific. Seubert was the team's MVP this season. Kareem McKenzie probably had his best season as a Giant this year. At left tackle, it was a merrigoround. But when Diehl was there he did a good job, and Beatty showed again that he is making progress and is probably the team's future at either tackle... if not the left side he will start one day in the future.


    Then there is Andrews. When he was right he was great. When he had back problems he wasn't. As for O'Hara, he is taking a lot of heat here and other places... but the guy has been great for us for a long time. Sure, he hurt the team when he tried to come back too soon from injury... but at least the guy showed heart by trying. Granted, it was a mistake for him to play. But he was playing at less than 100%, and we can't lose sight of that. If you want a replacement, cool. He is 33 years old, and will play next season at 34. But to say that he's washed up, I don't see it that way. Maybe get a guy that he could turn the reigns over to in a season or two. But we may already have that guy in Adam Koets. Does anybody feel that he didn't do a good job when he was in there at center?


    And another guy who I thought performed well above my expectations was Kevin Boothe, who I believe is a free agent this year. Particularly when he was playing Guard, I thought he was very, very good. And although Petrus didn't see much time on the field, that one game where he ran on the field and showed that intensity, I loved that. And he went in there ready to knock someone on their ass. I think Petrus is a very good candidate to be a starting guard on our team one day when Richie passes the torch.

    All in all, I think we have a great group that if we can keep it together, will be very good for the next 2 seasons before we need to think about replacing guys like McKenzie, Seubert, and O'Hara.


    this is the same reason why i think we should upgrades on the O-Line now. It takes a while for guys in the O-line to gel together. it's more of a unit than anything. Stocking up on Linemens now will give us the best chance for another great line for years to come...

  8. 19. New York Giants - OG/C Maurkice Pouncey, Florida


    That would be an excellent pick. Except Maurkice Pouncey was already drafted by Pittsburgh last year, haha. His brother, Mike Pouncey, would be the pick we want.


    Heard they are twines. Is there a reason why mike pouncey didn't declare for the draft the same year as his brother? We could be getting the left over genes in this guy. But upgrading the OL is a must so I wouldn't mind getting one then a LB on our next pick.

  9. Why? Rich Seubert came back from a fractured in multiple places leg.

    Yeah but Chad plays a position that requires speed over strength I want this guy to come back and play but when injuries he suffer. I'm glad he can walk.

  10. I want Plax and tyree back, and Bernard GONE


    other than that were set......we just had a bad year


    bad or unlucky??? 10-6 isn't a bad year at all....


    as for wanting plax back, i'm still undecided in that department. Our WR will be back better and stronger next season. I'm sure they have the whole off season to improve. I don't see Plax coming in and be happy being the 2nd or 3rd WR..

  11. I wish the hell we had Dhani and Kawika back man.........those were the last two real LBers we've had around here


    did you see that LBer for Auburn, last night forget his name but you know who I mean.......is he draftable?


    Auburn had 3-4 guys who could start on our defense tommorrow...........oh right


    thanks to "kiss my ass" we have to wait 8 months UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    haha THat got me rolling!!!! thanks buddy.. so is that how we're referring him from now on, KMA?? LOL

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