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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Hope he goes to Philly so I can enjoy the stupidity of the NFL pundits and some of you the rest of the season just a little bit more.

    Fuck that noise!!! Seriously, if he gose to Philly I'll be the #1 plex hater.. But I'm pretty sure he isn't. The media going crazy about him jointing the fucking eagles due to the Philly hat he wore. Well motherfuckers could the P on the hat stand for Plex?!?!? Bunch of gossip/rumor bitches that Hana storm is.

  2. Tuck is one of the best/top player in his position(s). Yes i'll take Tuck over Osi and i'm sure Osi gets benefits from the double team they usually put on Tuck... still if there's anyone on the other side of the double team i would want Osi... quick, nose for the ball.. strips it...


    Storm, how many times have you jizzed your pants whenever you see the ball get strip?? come on dude, give some credit. our D line is the most gangsta in the league, i don't give a shit about GB, Pitts or any of those clowns.. we're a LB away from being the most complete defense out there.. and that's thanks to guys like OSI and Tuck..

  3. Osi isn't one-third the player Michael Strahan was. Without Justin Tuck, Osi would be useless.


    Well, you're comparing Osi with a future hall of famer.. that just ain't even fair. second you rather have kiwi of JPP take Osi's spot? come on man give credit where it's due.. I would agree that Tuck is better than Osi but I rather have Osi than 90% of the DE in the league... yeah, i said it!!!

  4. This dude owe it to us to not try and screw us over again. I seriously believe the gun charge was due to his bad fung shui but dude go to Philly just means a slap to the face for us giants fans. He better head to the freaking rams and that's that!!!

  5. Charles Rogers could go to the Eagles, and he would have 8 receptions and three TD's against us.

    only if the football was a bag of weed...


    Plax should have some self respect and not go to philly... i hope if he doesn't come back with us, he'll join the rams..

  6. just before/during the 2007, our secondary was consider to many (including members here) that it's the weakest link...now it's consider one of the best and over stock... i think JR is doing a great job.. once he get a good LB from FA, i'll have to congra the guy for a job well done..


    with that said, it's up to TC........ .that'll start another thread.. :rolleyes:

  7. I think Austin contends for Defensive Rookie of the Year.


    Maybe it's the homer in me....but this kid looks incredibly strong and fast. It was like watching a very large linebacker run.


    Warren Sapp was raving about him.....he'll be in the mix very quickly.


    that's cuz the two are a mimic of eachother.. let's hope Marvin can product what Sapp can (during his early years)..

  8. Malcolm Floyd wouldnt be bad.


    another dude i had on my Fantasy last year... i was banking on him to go ape shit while VJ was out planting that money tree... he is a bit better than James Jones but wouldn't give you those #1 WR numbers you would hope for. I also have A.Gates on my fantasy as well so i really mentor these guys. Not sure if Rivers aim for Gates more cuz he's the security blanket which limit the throws to Floyd. I seriously don't think MF would give us any type of upgrade. I would wait for Barden instead..


    anyways.. Steve Smith?? nah.. he'll cuss out Eli and mess up the chemistry..

  9. San Diego, Franchised him and he'll be a Charger most likely. Once there is free agency, I think they already have a long term deal on the table to resign him. Malcolm Floyd will probably be available from San Diego. I wouldn't mind James Jones from GB has a slot guy, while Jernigan develops. Or we just resign Smith.


    James Jones is a one of those inconsistent WR.. He'll blow up the sheet in one game then he go Ghost on the rest.. i have this dude on my fantasy team last year and he can't even bank in while Driver was out.. the guy has slippery fingers..

  10. Stephen Paea here... whoa, that would be unbelievable. So would Leshoure or Murray. There are a lot of ways the Giants could go here and I'm going to flip because the 2nd round has gone almost perfectly for the Giants here.


    Almost?!?!?! don't jinx us with a MOss pick dude.. :ranting2::05-mafia:

  11. Honestly, that is not a bad idea. Not sure if he could beef up at all.

    Of course, it would be nice if Sintim steps up.


    This is also one of those picks that late in the season, we might say, "thank God we drafted this guy". Aaron Ross has had a long history of bumps and bruises.


    It will also be interesting to see if Phillips is 100%.....he was not the guy in 2010 that he was in 2009.


    Either way, having Prince on board gives us the option to deal with our safeties as well.


    On paper, the Giants have the best secondary in the NFL right now.


    LB Michael Boley LB 6-3 223 28 6 Southern Mississippi


    Safety Deon Grant S 6-2 215 32 9 Tennessee


    Deon Grant isn't too far from LB form..

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