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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. we have a very very good D and its hardly dependent on one player................lets not jump off the bridge here :rolleyes:


    this prince character will be back in Oct and Ross is not chopped liver

    Jack. I'm glad you're so uppity about our secondary. Prince is coming back from injury and he's a rookie. Meaning he was gonna be more than likely backing up web or TT this season and coming back from injury doesn't help. As for Ross, I like the dude but he's made of glass. Contract season or not. Two secondary down and we are screwed if Ross breaks.

  2. Yes....definitely sucks Kong-sized cock.


    On the bright side....Ross can play. Deon Grant is back (thank God)....Kenny Phillips is one year stronger.....and like Allstarjim said, Coe and Witherspoon have shown alot of promise.


    And fortunately, we've got a great pass rush.


    We won a Super Bowl with R.W. McQuarters and Sam Madison.....this defense is still solid.


    Thanks for the kind word dude. But what really steam me up is all that trash talk about the Egirls having the best secondary. With TT and WEB I think we were really under rated and loved to show it during this season But now we don't even have a chance to proof that.


    Yeah we can still win the SB So I'm crossing fingers here!!!!

  3. Not for nothing but thw full price i paid was 290. The tickets are 112 nd 8$ tax and the parking pass was 50. So im taking a 70$ hit on them. Its not like im trying to make money off anyone.



    yeah you're def taking a hit on those tickets.. good luck on the sale....

    hope you'll post some tickets for season games when you're too busy to go.. i'm sure be down to get it..

  4. Easy there. Not only am I pointing out the protecting thing on special teams. I'm just simply. Pointing out that they can use this BS to push the 18 game season. Yes protecting player is something we all agree on but you just have to look at the business side of the game. That's something I like to point out. You telling me this game since the early century. There wasn't any injury and now they just want to change to rules to protect players??? Come on man.

  5. Giants should take a collection at one of the home games from the fans for every player who restructures like this to help the team.


    If everyone at the game ponied up just a dollar, that be at least 75-80 grand.


    But I agree, I'll be pissed if they're doing this for Osi.


    A collection basket??? You mean the steep ticket price?? Giants has one of the most expensive ticket price in the league. It's the salary cap they have to deal with.

  6. I didint see the need for another CB......ours are already very very good so if this is the big injury this year PhffffffffT! :busted_cop:

    wow.. for some odd reason you find a way to be happy about our First rounder getting hurt??


    the guy ain't gonna be much of a factor this year. this isn't good considering we , YES, are loaded in secondary. so therefore next season won't be good if we need to cut somebody without knowing Price's actual game value.

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