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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Don't take JPP off the field, period.


    Have Osi come in on passing downs and for relief.


    If he wants to prove he is worth the money he bitched and moaned for he will make use of what playing time he gets.

    As cunning as I know the giants could be. They would under use Osi so the following offseason his price tag could be reasonable to match. Well that's what I hope. Osi is a great player if he stop bitching and be loyal. Ain't like he's eating Ramon noodles and driving a civic. I saw his MTV cribs show.

  2. I'm always down for a game. Can we set up a game where tickets can be cheap n easy to get??? The Rams game I was at the 50 yard line on the top level (300s) price was 50bucks + parking pass(we bought 4 tix). If we can get something like that and everyone chip in for some tailgating. I'm sure it'll happen.

  3. i was looking at the score board and notice how the Yanks use their pitching.. i couldn't help but LMAO!!!


    letting the Rays coming back from 6 down with 2 inning to go?? really?? hahahaha BrillianT!!!!


    what's your take?? you agree with that or did the Ray actually earn it??.. like i said, i didn't watch the full game..


    Think the Yanks have an easier time with the Rays or Sux??

  4. even if Osi returns.. JPP has been kicking ass in DE spot, i don't see how Osi can gain his playing time back... I think OSI should eat some humble pie and stop bitching about $$$.... the Giants are giving him a longer playing career without forcing him out there... this is coming from a dude who owns a Osi jersey...

  5. False


    The old trio was better. Steve Smith WAS a beast. Was.


    We utilized his talents exquisitely.


    Victor Cruz is a work in progress and is being severly overrated by Giants fans.


    Football god will strike you with a FG kick in the head... do not speak that name around here..



    Mario, what you expect him to say?? of cause it's the best cuz it's the one that's currently in placed...


    Cruz need to have a few more games like that. else it'll just be another flute..

  6. I'm glad someone is giving the RB some props here. If it wasn't for the great running game I wouldn't think we could of pull out that win.


    The truth, I was saying O'shit when the pass was up and notice it was to Jacobs. I though he wouldn't of pull it off. Glad I was wrong.

  7. Seriously give the guy a break!! Damn


    I've never seen a player get so much unwarranted hate.


    Yes he blew that 4th down, but I have yet to see this guy drop a pass and he deserves a week 12 judgment day rather then his first game of the season.


    Swear. If the giants lost that game. Your tone would be totally. dIFFERENT!!! U know it's true. Stab yourself with a pen before replying.

  8. I should say if that fails and we are still contending, otherwise it's a lost cause and we should just throw Jj, Cruz and Thomas out there to see what we got.


    Barden is a factor as well, people may end up eating there words when Barden comes back and plays well.

    This is the image that come to mind when reading your words...



  9. Apparently Vick is getting fitted for some kevlar device in his helmet that will disperse the impact of the collision. It's called a concussion reduction technology, or CRT.


    So if this thing reduces concussions, then it's probably time for this piece of equipment to be distributed widely. I wonder how much heavier it makes the helmet, though.


    They use that CRT in motorcycle helmets. My helmet was trash when I went down and I did t suffer any headach or anything. That's from going down on 5th gear, 65mph.

  10. 13 Ramses Barden WR 25 6-6 224 3 Cal Poly-S.L.O.

    80 Victor Cruz WR 24 6-0 204 2 Massachusetts

    87 Domenik Hixon WR 26 6-2 197 6 Akron

    12 Jerrel Jernigan WR 22 5-8 189 R Troy

    82 Mario Manningham WR 25 6-0 185 4 Michigan

    88 Hakeem Nicks WR 23 6-1 208 3 North Carolina

    84 Brandon Stokley WR 35 6-0 192 13 Louisiana-Lafayette

    15 Devin Thomas WR 24 6-2 221 4 Michigan State


    No, we're fine... look at all the young talents we have(with one old fart at 35)..

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