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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Ahhhhh. I'm not sure if I need to pick sides here. But jack keeps this board active and lively. Yes sometimes I find some of his threads a little crazy and I just ignore it like a ugly stripper. Besides this isn't the fine gentlemen's club. The board needs a little drama here and there.


    Let it be. Anyways anyone can me to the eagles forum jacks in? Wanna see how nutty he is else where LOL

  2. Thank God.....that place is sucking ass.


    I've hadn't been on in a long time...I've been on there a bit recently, and can confirm that it fucking blows.

    Those clOwns wouldn't let me join without a legit email(something like AOL). So I join this one and glad I did. People here are more clever with post and humor.

  3. You think Payton would give a rats ass about Notbrides playbook??? He'll just use it as toilet paper. Eli need to start bitching and let that clown know how he feels. TC should know when Eli plays best. This is on TC as well. Yeah I think the Omaha was always there but not noticeable as much.

  4. actually.. i think the opposite, if our next few games are easy wins,, i would like Tuck to be out there and provide us with a better chance of getting that W.... i rather have him skip the harder games instead...


    but of cause i rather have him heal up 100% cuz he's our top Defensive player..

  5. According to ESPN:


    QB and their passer rating :flex:




    1. Aaron Rodgers, GB 124.6

    2. Tom Brady, NE 111.3

    3. Eli Manning, NYG 105.6

    4. Matt Hasselbeck, TEN 104.7

    5. Drew Brees, NO 102.9


    LOL we call these QB ratings BS when Eli isn't on top yet we show it off when it's good.


    I really don't buy into it as long as Eli can make magic in the 4th to bring us back.

  6. during the 4th.. i think there's an injury or missing player on the Card's D-line, which gave Eli a good 4-5 sec in the box... that's when he was killing it.... our O-line still need a lot of work and for some odd reason. Eli just isn't as good as i always thought he is......... sorry guys, i'm slipping off the wagon.....

  7. As a Giants fan from NY it's tough to root for the Jets.. maybe when the play the redskins and philly but even then it won't be rooting..

    I actually was rooting for them during the year 2000 and that insane Monday night come back vs maimi. But these couple of years. I find myself hating their fan base and their jualousy against us Giants fans. If they ain't playin against the more hated team in our division I'll probably won't give a crap as well. Sorry Sanchez is a clown and I don't like their loud mouth coach.

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