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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Tell me about it.....every year, the Giants have at least one of those.

    Was this as bad as the 2008 lost to the freaking browns?? Sunday night was it? Or Monday night. Ummmmm.


    Let's not cheer for help from other teams to help us. We need to take this by the horn and bitch slap it like we own it!!!! Now is the time and the O-Line looked good from last game. Hopefully we get some of those injured guys back during these hectic times and give out some ass whooping!!!!!

  2. Stevie Johnson < Mario Manningham. Actually, they might be on about the same level....if Manningham was on the Bills, they'd put up similar numbers and drop similar amounts of game changing passes.

    Agree. But Mario gets extra brownie points for not acting like a complete douche. Mario need to show more if he want a big payday. The giants aren't known for making it rain during signing contracts. So. It's up in the air.

  3. Besides... we can't just assume we're going to throw away a couple of downs and somehow be successful on 3rd or 4th down... too much of a gamble. I don't know what Nem is smoking...

    Just saying we should always show that we ain't scare to go for it on the 4th down. Sometimes it's good to keep the other team guessing. Yet we all know it's a bad idea. But sometimes it's those gut feelings that wins it for ya.


    Also, gillbride reading" the art of being an idiot" dosen't help either.

  4. i think WR we are pretty stock. i don't see us needing any of those guys you listed. Eli has trust issues and he won't click with a dude until after a season.


    Also, we have great need in our defense especially LB. So i would like us to save our cash and spend it on a great LB (who is also a leader).

  5. i am probably one of the few that feel bad for Steve Smith... he gave us production and stayed professional since the day we drafted him.. i don't see any of you bash him when he made that catch and went for the first down during the super bowl.. i don't see you guys yapping when he was Eli's safety blanket....


    he was out performing his contract and just got a shit load of bad luck that didn't earn him what he deserved.........


    i hope he come back strong and with another team... .maybe RAms???.....

  6. Not saying Eli won't go mario but the dude need to start catching like his life is depended on it. I saw the deep ball touch his hands and just went thru. You can't miss those as a NFL player. TC need to let him know he better shale up else get wash away without a good contract next.

  7. First I was surprise egg even came on and post. Second what he just sad needed a lamb to rub or whatever he can rub on. It won't happen. Somethings just never change. Just like how you cant bet against tebow. Yo bet aginst god.


    Anyway I'm pissed drunk so fuck u cowgirls and yes sir giants!!!!!

  8. I normally watch the game by myself....so I find it kind of silly to throw on a jersey to watch a Giants game on TV.....

    Same here. I don't think there's a need to wear a jersey when alone (and sad). But if I'm at the bar. I'll wear the blue Nicks if giants at home and white Osi if away. I also have the red Strahan to match. It also depend on the bar I go to. Cuz if there's a figh I wanna be wearing my old AP jersey.


    I try not to wear the Osi too much. The record on that jersey from last year is 2 - 4.

  9. I had thought the same thing but on Mike and Mike this morning Greenburg brought up something I hadn't thought of. He basically said that the Giants had to leave a little bit if time left on the clock in case they didn't make the 2 point conversion so they could try to recover the onsides kick. I don't agree with the logic of it but it does seem to make a bit more sense.


    Great point. An 2 point conversion isn't as easy as kicking it thru. Think about it. Remember we had to stop another undefeated team back in 2007. How much was left on the clock in that one? It just shows our defense isn't what it used to be. There is t a true leader there. God we miss Strahan or Pierce.

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