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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. i'm gonna bookmark this thread. by next year or somewhere in the future when the Giants are shitting the pan.. watch someone will post " FIRE REESE". then i'll pull this one out...


    I have always believe this guy can do the job. almost all of the first rounders kinda pan out for us. a Fan can only hope that their GM never draft first round busts.....

  2. I really don't think it matters. It's an overblown topic in my opinion. These guys have been playing football their entire lives. Pop warner, high school, college.....they've all played through just about every weather condition imaginable. The best team will win Sunday.......period.


    Agree to a degree. But sometimes when you're in practice in one certain conditions. It can sometimes mess with the timing when theres a change and that's what I'm scare of. I can't remember one game that the giants played on crappy weather this season other than it being kinda cold.


    Also candlestick is an old stadium with a crappy field. Just like the old Giants stadium.


    The rain will def screw with the field. And the advantage will be the 9ers. They might know where the slippery spots are.

  3. A few of my friends lives in San Fran. They are one of the most bandwagon people I ever met. All of a sudden I be getting "let's go 9ers" on my facebook from people who know nothing of football. When I ask how they support their team the chicks said "by spirite". Freaking don't even have the 9ers on tv.


    I think we giants fans are pretty good. All I remember was a few boos here and there. Chanting "------(your team) sucks". But nothing personal or up your face.


    Me and Nas met this drunk fat dude who was telling the lady on the train his high football IQ. His man crush was Andy reid. That was probably one of the worst I've seen.

  4. Love this guy Richie.... he was one of the under rated players that the Giants knew. Maybe that's why they kept him even after his first major injury. i'm glad he's doing well and attempting a come back next season. hopefully he can come back to us as a backup... teach the young bucks a move or two.

  5. Our defense need to really focus on frank gore. The dude is amazing with running and catching the ball. I hate for them to use him to weaken our defense by pulling the LB off. They will run run run on us, so the run stop need to be super successful early. If we could do that with a few points ahead of them then we have a great chance. Forcing alex smith throw on us.


    Agree that our offense should come out swinging and that we should throw a few deep ones to start out the game. But giving manning that kind of time to throw is hard against this 9er defense. I think we need to start the Eli no huddle magic early and quick. Might not be as effective early but gazing those guys out could only help. But then again you don't know which gillbride will show up. Dude love to waste the first outting to cop a feel of the game.


    GO GIANTS!!!!!



    I was at an impromptu "party," where my girlfriend invited nine people to her house to "watch" the game. Long story short I was the only one who was yelling, screaming, and flipping his shit during the game, and I wasn't going to apologize to anyone. By the end of the game nobody wanted to sit with me.


    I would of took off my pants and moon those iggle fans LOL.

  7. Too bad the 69'ers don't have an offense to match their defense because the Ain'ts have scored 14 points and are right back into it. Hope the 69'ers win and the Giants beat the Pack.


    me too. i do hope the 69ers go to the next round... but i got about 50bucks on the Saints now.. brain over hope i guess...

  8. I love JPPs interviews.


    Interviewer: You made the ProBowl.

    JPP: I guess that's good.


    Interviewer: When ran all the way across the field to make the tackle it was great.

    JPP: I like to run.


    The guy is the best. I need to get a JPP jersey.


    let me know where you getting one!!!.. gotta get mine as well..

  9. Trashtalker and I met in the city and took the train from there... my attempts to call UK failed for the most part... I dialed the 01144 number long distance and couldn't hear much... He said he was at the stadium ... my attempts to reach him there failed... Rob (Golfing) was late with his friends and couldn't meet us in the city... I didn't know Firstnten was there :angry:


    Yeah.. nice meeting you Nas.. super hyper dude. LOL, i was passing out on the train ride back while he's up and jumping... best game i ever been to!!!



    UK,,,, next time let's text instead.. i couldn't understand a word.. if i knew you wanted to meet for a after party drink near Penn Station.. i would of been totally down.. drinking with brits are like a whole another level. you guys rinse ya teeth with bud light i heard.. LOL

  10. Could it possibly be that the line play has picked up quite a bit recently? Nah.


    Or the fact that Osi is healthy!!! I haven't heard one good praise you guys give to Osi. But instead it's Blackburn thAts getting all the props???? What game are you guys watching???


    Osi give the front line more room to switch and change around. JPP could be moved around all over the place. You guys still mad cuz Osi acted like a greedy whore?? How dose this line look since he came back?? Yet, it's Blackburn who's getting all the cred. Madness I tell ya!!!

  11. Last week when he missed that FG aginst the cowgirls. I was already wondering what type of crap we'll see during the playoff and this is the crap I'm scared of. This is Playoff football. You can't dick around even with a 10 point lead. He better shape the up else next year he be gone!!! Loser!!! YOUR JOB is to kick!!! NOTHING else. There isn't a play book to learn or ask you to sack the QB.


    This is twice in a roll. I normally don't get pissed. But this is a different time in the season.

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