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Posts posted by TrashTalker92


    The new media deal should kick

    In within a year or two which will raise the cap by a good amount. My guess is upwards

    Of $10 million.


    Just trust Reese, he obviously knows the deal.


    Let's hope you're right. If it's ok to help the team then every team would be doing this same pony trick. Let's all remember everyone dump their cash at Madoff in saying " just trus him".



    Me too. They used to be a hard nosed football team with some intense fans, just like us...


    Yeah. I respect their fan base as well. But that's cause they havent been good or fighting for a playoff spot for years. When they are a win or two for the past playoff spot. Their trash talking fans will come out of the woods and start yapping. We be hating them the same as the cowgirls or iggles


    Yea if they spend that $ wisely, it makes up for the loss of draft picks. It's not ideal, but they have plenty of cap room for sure.


    Let's just hope they invest it poorly as usual.


    I really hope our LB are up for the task. RG can run like he stole something. Plus we weren't very good matching up with the skins. I can't think of a division as scary as ours if the skins can get shit together.


    I recall the last time two QB coming out 1 & 2 overall and it wasn't pretty. Not to be an ass but I don't like any other team gaining on us.

  4. The sad reality of the sport. The top, greatest QB in my books. I hope he wins another ring just to rub it on everyone else's face. He deserves that in his legacy. It'll be weird to see him in Different color. The pressure will be on Luck now. RG3 must be rolling on the floor on how lucky he has it. No matter how bad he plays, Luck's performce will blanket RG's bad games.

  5. Yeah. After you guys throwing his name around on the earlier months. I was able to catch a Bowl game with him being benched to start the game.


    Dude has flash, speed and power that he was high shining everyone else on the field. But the dumbass kid can't keep his mouth shut. He got a flag after making a good play but mouthed off to the refs. Something I've never seen before. Leave this dude alone and let the cowgirls or iggles take him.


    I'm actually excited with the guys we have at LB. some of them will be entering their second year and some coming Back.


    Anyways screw this kid.

  6. Why do people keep saying Nicks has size? Nicks is 6'1 208, Cruz is 6' 204 not that much of a difference.


    Nicks plays big. By that I mean he makes the jumps/catches like a 6'5 WR. If you compare him with glass leg Barden, Nicks looks way bigger. Also Cruz is very crafty like he's playing two hand touch in the back yard.. Both WR plays differently and that's what keeps D coaches up at night. Love this combo.


    As for who's better, I'll have to give it to nicks right but if Cruz can keep it up with what he has done last season. They will both be on the same level.

  7. He will be alright...the Giants will take care of him.


    Just the way they treated Jay Alfort??? This league is a business. If you're no good to the team you're out of here. No matter what you done for us before.


    It's a risky business being a football player. Some makes it with timing some don't. I do hope Cruz can get his due.

  8. I actually really think that Nicks should get paid first. As in pay him this offseason.


    They BOTH need to get paid this offseason. Cruz is just as valuable as Nicks right now. We def need to draft another RB and some Line guys. But other than that TT & Osi is most important.

  9. I would like this team to remain the way it is. We actually don't need any type of addition from FA. We need to sign our own guys back. TT and Osi. Then you have LB that went down during the earlier season. Goff, Sintim and the other 3 LB that we got are young and I think Reese will wait it out. We still got some young O-line guys to work out.


    Other than that I'm hyped on the draft. Who you guys think we will target? Another WR to replace Mario in case he leaves.



    For all it's worth most NFL fans in Yemen are Giants fans...


    Freaking awesome!!!


    Yeah I hate those crappy fans that just switch when things are all nice and rosie. They are mostly the ones that does all the retarded yapping. The ones that give us a bad name.

  11. Cowboys , 49ers , Steelers , Redskins are probably the most favoured teams ...............then NE , Giants , Bears , Raiders.


    ( Bitish Cowboys fans really are pathetic losers who know nothing about football ! )


    Some of the best , knowledgeble NFL fans ive met are actually Irish


    interesting.. i'm assuming a lot of them become fans because they A. visited those city before and thought it's cool to become a fan. B. They just became fans and cheered for the most recent Superbowl Champs. or C. cuz cowboys and raiders have pretty manly colorssss. :supergay: ....



    you're right tho.. IF there's a bar i go to for a sunday football game,, it's always an Irish PUb.. those guys are passionate about their team and that TEAM ONLY!!!.. very respectful fans a well, my local pub is a JETS Irish bar...

  12. hmm.. can we bet now? Because we can assume (gamble) Peyton Manning ends up with Redskins... if I bet now the odds are this low...


    Yeah Nas. I think you could bet. The lines are up. Even on the Payton manning location, there's a bet for that.



    Jim - thanks for the info. And yeah I need more time to check it out. But hopefully before Payton status is clear. I heard he might go to the titans and might look into that as well.

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