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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Yeah. Hope Mario become serviable for many years. The dude never bitched about money nor was a distraction. He earn his money on the right time and place. Let's hope he dose good.


    I mean a year ago everyone was so hyped for him to become the second WR behind Nicks. So he dose have talent. And for people to kick dirt at his name is just wrong.





    And H I agree, Bennet was a good signing. Funny I mentioned signing him about a week after the superbowl and I got killed for it!


    And if he doesn't produce you still gonna get bury for it ::LOL


  3. What if Luck pulls an Eli and claims he doesnt want to play for the Colts?


    Would be interesting to see.


    Could actualy see that happening! Indy gutted their entire offense. Their Line isnt what it use to be. Luck would be getting smacked around against ravens, steelers or that Texan team.

  4. Freaking texans could of look else where for this trade if they were facing salary cap issue. Iggles always like to screw people with these low ball trades but karma gets them all the time. I would of thought a team like BILLS, Rams or even Vikings would give a little more than a 3rd rounder.


    But brandon is a proven star with the performance to back it up. I say the bears cuz jay cutler is there.

  5. Best of luck to him, overall he was good value to us as a 3rd rounder.


    Mario was started as a number 2 at the beginning of the season. Imagain Cruz didn't To bananas. giants would be force to pay number two money for him. Cruz made Reese life much easier.


    Anyways. I think he'll be good at San Fran. Dude would be expecting perfect passes tho. So it'll all be depend on Alex smith.



    cruz is a RFA next season and nicks is an UFA the next. i think we're in big trouble if we're in the same cap situation next season. hopefully reese can figure it out but it seems like a daunting task




    Reese offer great value for perduction. I can't imagain giving up any of our high salary guys. Cuz other than rolle I don't think anyone else on the team deserves a lower paycheck base on last year's performance.


    Nicks, Cruz and JPP. If base on the current contracts given out. I think they are worth around 5-10 million a year type players. Mario Williams getting a 100million contract. Pierre Cercon(however you spell it) got a crazy paycheck from Skins. Then you have guys like V.Jackson getting pay crazy amounts.


    I do hope they all stay but they ain't Peyton manning or Carson Palmer who already got deep pockets from their first contract after the rookie salary. They don't really have the luxury to say they want to stay with a championship bound team. Especially cruz. I won't fualt anyone from getting their money.


    But again one of those three will walk.



    Oh damn, I thought they resigned Forte already? If not your right. too much money on a pair of DEs.


    Yeah. They still haven't ink Forte. But to get Marshall in the mix forte must be more happy to put his name down. He will command at least +10million a year. So bye bye on any upgrade on the defense.

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