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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. I'm a big Osi fan myself. He's an awesome player that has one of the best FF skills. One trick pony or not you can't find another player with this kind of salary. He is under paid. But he also has a ego prOblem. I recall he signed one of the top DE contracts during that time then a year or so later Tuck got a bigger contract and Osi was bitching.


    I want Osi back more than anyone but money = ego talks.



    I think any place outside of NYC is sad... kindda hard to think of a place being fun if you're a New Yorker.. everything is a downgrade.


    Damn straight.!!! But sometimes I like to go upstate and get away from the big city ...



    So have the Jets fans lol but that's not a measure. I don't see Denver making it to the big dance in Peyton's first year either.


    Screw them jets fans and that coach. Although I am a tebow fan.


    You haven't seen the city of buffalo. It's a very sad thing........ LOL.


    I also don't think Denver will make it that far.



    I think it's an elective service.


    Many of which never use.


    Kinda sad that on average a few years of being an NFL backup and you should have a couple million banked away and could be on easy street for the rest of your life but many of them just piss it away.


    Blame it on all that rap music!! LOL.


    Nah, these guys get carry away sometimes. When they see their star players get millions after their rookie contract. They would think they gonna score a second contract as well. It's a sad story.

  5. Best game for me was the playoff game against the Falcons just this season past... I screamed my ass off... who knew I had an 8 year old in me lol.


    So it wasn't because I scored you some awesome cheap tickets!?!? Ungrateful ass!!! Hahahhahahaha.



    Mine has to be the very first Giants game vs Bengals 2007. Carson Palmer was injured that game but it went to over time where Tynes kicked it in for the win!!! It was pretty awesome, second has to be the playoff game vs falcons that me and Nas went.... The place went bananas!!

  6. He has to post Euro porn in the porn section, and ship Nem 12 cases of Danish beer during the season.



    that's all???? i had to ship Nem five bags of rice, dog meat and some expensive ass rice wine..



    GOFF,, is an asshole, hope him well but seriously not against us.....

  7. I hope Wilson turns out to be a good running back for us. I would have bet the ranch that we would have taken Fleener, Randle, Hill, or J. Martin here....or even Peter Konz.


    This pick is pretty anticlimactic - for me anyway. I trust Reese and TC though.


    Same here. With all the players still on the board I though it was Martin or konz. Oo wells. Reese hasn't really mess up on a first rounder before. So let's hope for the best.



    I do not think it's that big of a deal really, even if he was listening to the other coaches, it would be hard to dechipher what they were saying. It would also be hard for him to give that information to the Saints coaches. Every team has a different "language" when it comes to calling plays, this is part of the reason they hired Vitt to replace Payton.


    Not true. Heres a few things i can think of. 1, Teams could always pick up backs ups from one team to sell out info. Or 2, if someone is smart and knows football they might pick up one or two calls from reading the first half of the game. It is still cheating.

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