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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Barden will only break his leg!!!


    Marvin Austin - low body with a mean look to the dude. Gonna push guys around.


    Prince - will turn the secondary into something special


    Pitrus - weight room monster usually arent high on my list. Cuz a dude lifting 300 pound only means he can just do that. But after some showing of him on the field. He looks like a guy with talent.


    Randle - everyone is high on him. If he has talent and works well with Eli or committing to working hard with Eli. He will do well.


    Wilson - has speed and quickness. Unlike Bradshaw who has both but Wilson has this slippery quickness. Will be great addition to our running game that lacks this type of eel like RB.

  2. I told you guys. Bennett pulled this bullshit in Dallas all the time! I would rather sign Shockey again. At least I know he is serious about playing.


    Seriously. I think Shockey is more mature now than before. He has two rings to his resume. And always want the ball. Has the fire unlike this Bennett.

  3. When ranking WR. I like to look at the QB, running game and the 2nd WR on their team.


    Fitz got shitty QB throwing it to him. With crappy second WR and shitty running game. He still post top rank stats. He's rank number one for me.


    Megatron is the focus of the entire lions offense with an ok running game to keep the defense honest. Nothing of a second WR to take away double and still post awesome numbers cuz stafford can throw a decent ball. comes second on my list


    AJ comes third here. Texans got Foster to keep defense focus away but when it comes to 3rd and long. You know where the ball is going and most of the time it gets there. Matt Shuab is one of the under rated QB in the league with a great arm. Texans just recently count on their defense to win games. But when Shuab was out, they were done.


    Nicks would come last here. I believe Eli is better than all the three QB listed above. Giants running game is avg. but when you have a guy like Cruz to draw attentions away. It makes nicks job a little easier. So nicks come last here. But near these top guys. We are blessed to be giants fans.

  4. Well, we lost TT last year and go on winning the Super Bowl.


    I'm super piss now. Cruz will be asking crap lot of cash and he might be expoiled when teams aren't double covering Nicks and focusing mainly on him.

  5. They had two different set for our 2007 run. One was a clip of all the regular season games. Then another set for the entires game of all playoff games.


    Nas I can't wait to watch that falcons game. What an awesome game that was.




    You're probably right Bro....I was not like other kids I never worshiped athletes like demi-gods the way some kids did. Its just sad that this guy could be making more money...receiving more praise...than anyone else out there in football land. And its just all dust now. The relapses were one thing...the chasing and banging near underage or underage kids for sale was the final nail in the coffin. It was fate too that he hooked up with Brad van Pelt and Gregory...both big time drug users and all around party dudes. I think Taylor was a get drunk type of frat boy anyway who just went to the next level when the 'caine was laid out in front of him.


    Ahhhh I have this feeling as well. Though he was down for a good time, party. Get a little drink

    in. Then when the white snow was lay out. He just got cough in the moment. Sucks but I seen it happen before.

  7. Reality.. he's not fit to play professional football. I know it's hard for a young guy to accept no for an answer... and often we want to be "the one who proved the doubters wrong".... we saw how far Steve Smith got with that... He's lucky to be alive and able to walk. Good luck to him but I think professional sports is not in the stars for him.


    I hope he can play baseball again.

  8. Totally hyped up about this kid. I think Wilson is going to be special. I haven't been this excited about a draft pick since Ron Dayne. Uh....wait....FML.....


    Dayne and willy beans names are forbid and not allow on this forum!!!!!


    I get piss everytime I see those two names!! Lights a fire under ass and send me flying like firework!!!

  9. Yeah, that was because I felt he should of been selected higher and Wanted a bigger contract from where he was actually drafted...


    That's crazy!!..


    if a set amount is placed, how the F could he feel he deserves more just BECAUSE he think he should of been drafted higher?



    that's like working for McD and asking to get paid CEO money just cuz you feel like you deserves it.......

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