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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. I like how this is news when Kenny brigg is facing DUI. Yes the WR who was selected right after Nicks.


    And at the time I wanted this Brigg dude. Thank god I was wrong but I wasn't mad we at nicks at the time.

  2. I'm with you.......I'm on the fence but tired of the circus insanity


    after 45 yrs as a Knicks fan the Nets are calling..........never thought I'd get to this point.....tired of losing


    I don't even feel like a traitor............I hate that little toad Dolan


    Thank you jack!!! I'm glad one person understands. I been a long time Knicks fan. Since 1990 when I was 8. But Dolen has taken everything away. I dont mind cheering for a bad team but with the amount of stupidity that gose on with the Knicks front office. I just can't take it anymore. I could cheer for teams like Timberwolves or the Bucks cuz they consistanily try to improve, the Knicks just one stupid mistake after another. Now since Lin is gone, it was the last straw. I'll try to cheering for the brooklyn nets.....



    Its became apparent Jeremy left because he did not want to co-exist with Carmello Knucklehead, and Dolan loves Knuckleheads


    Lin left because Houston got the money to offer. Lin probably felt disrespected because without him the Knicks wouldn't of been talk of the town. He made Dolan mayor cash and in return they not gonna match the offer??? Screw Dolan and the Knicks front office. Don't call me a bandwagon when I cheer for the Brooklyn nets!!!



    Eli has stuff to improve or maybe gilbride should change the playbook to match Eli's talent. Make every play resemble Eli's magical fourth come back plays.

  4. Players dropping balls while wide open is a normal thing. They so wide open it makes their mind wonder. Wondering where to go, who's coming at you. Where the hits are charging from. It basically fucks with you so bad that you forgot to even catch the ball first. That's why harder catches are mostly made due to the fact that players expect to get hit and they only concern with catch the ball first.


    Yes rolle fucked that play up. He was late to react. But to say that the pats would won after that catch would be silly. Anything could of happen after that play and the giants still win it.

  5. First of all. I'm a Giants fan. But anyone who ever play fantasy football would always pick Homo over Eli due to stats. But when it comes to the actual game. Eli hands downs. That late game confidence is unmatched. Unlike homo, you can see his hands shakes sweaty and unsure what the fuck is going on.


    I ain't mad at toomer. He's right. And never compare him to tiki. Tiki came straight out trying to start shit. Now the only tv career he has is selling infermercials for adult diapers.



    I've always questioned his ability to keep his team consistent and also consistently winning the games his team should be winning...And let's face it, he's been given a solid roster nearly every year he has been here...But he's shut me up for good with the two amazing playoff runs and two SB victories


    There are people out there that uses this same statement about TC given a solid team and not producing and wants his head. But I seriously hope the two rings would keep him employed with the Giants till he can't do it no more.

  7. What's all these chit chat about?!?!? If the giants has two losing seasons in a roll. People be calling for his head. This league is unforgiven. Doesn't matter how great a head coach is. If the GM or Draft don't provide the needed asset to produce then fans will be asking for a new coach.

  8. ^^. Shitty writer. Need to get their facts right.


    Ward went for the money and join the Bucs. He should of stayed with us for another ring. I won't thank him. He should thank the Giants for giving a chance to be with such a great team.

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