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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Yeah I'm just pointing out the fact that Vegas put out a too good to be true line of giants giving 3 so everyone and their mother put money on the Packers.


    I have lost enough money to learn that lesson. I am def throwing my life saving of 50.88 cent on the Giants to cover 3 points. Yes it's a bold bet but that's how Vegas don't want it

  2. Everyone and their mother knows the giants are in a slump and Eli haven't thrown a TD since 1985. So why the hell would vegas have the Giants going in a Prime time game favorites by 3 points??? I know the general rule the home team automatically gives 3 points but that's saying both teams are equal.


    Vegas must know something. Everyone that lost their paycheck in the earlier game will chase the last game of the day and def throw their life savings on the packers. Without considering that Matthews is out or jenning is still out.


    The is fishy and I am going with the giants. I ain't falling for Vegas bS lines. They know Giants will win it!!!

  3. There's two type of contract. One that a player can earn its fullest and the other where it's only garintee money. These contracts now a days don't say much. There's so much crap in there that a player has to earn it. If Cruz is smart. He'll aim to get a contract where he can fulfill.


    Remember that big Albert contract?? It was 100million. But he doesn't get all of it. Something in the middle of 50million. It isn't chump change but still. Cruz is playing in a big market. Where he can earn the second half of any contract from endorsements. Especially in the NYC area where the Latin community is big.



    Hard to say though, Redskins-Giants is clearly the game of the week, you would think if there were absolutely no California teams playing at all at 1, why not give them the predicted best game?


    Another reason why the media hates the giants

  5. Why would anyone in that little green patch in Northern Cali give 2 shits about the Green bay/St. Louis game? I've always wondered how they decide who sees what.


    LOL I was thinking of the same thing. Just to show you how many bandwagon fans out at cali

  6. Tiki was a smart runner that waits for his play to develop. He never really had awesome speed. Avg NFL speed yes. Wilson is quick he has talent but if he can learn a little bit of tiki to wait for the play to open up he going to be a star!!


    But again this is too early to run your mouth.



    I'm with you, dude....I don't get these guys supposed Romo love. I would absolutely loathe the guy no matter where he went to.


    He may not SEEM like a douche, but he definitely made by far the douchiest football play I have ever seen in NFL history. That botched extra point field goal in the playoff game against the Seahawks was just absolutely fucking terrible. The worst play I've ever seen a professional football player make. He just lets the ball go right through his hands gets shoe-string tackled about 3 inches from the goalline and single handedly loses the game for them. Awesome for Giants and NFC East fans because it was definitely a foreshadowing of his entire career----single-handedly losing games for that team. Douche.


    Thank god.. I still remember that game where romo lost his pride on a shitty butterfinger play. That defined his whole career till this day!


    Romo hasn't done anything criminal. Hell, I heard he visit cancer kids at the hospital. But we're not talking about murderers or Ponzi scam artis. We are just treating him like a normal human being. Like someone you know who is a douche. Who might tell you he'll pay the bill with his card and you give him your cash but use your tip money to pay for his meal. Now that's a douche and I know someone who done that.

  8. We need to get you guys at least once in the playoffs. I feel beating you in the regular season doesnt exact revenge.


    LoL. We didn't beat you in the 2007 game. It was Bret Fart fucking it up. But last years playoff was a beat down and we were two TD underdogs.


    You guys are a great team that's why Vegas always have you as favorites.

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