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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. If they Move Kiwi back to De.. we'll have to wait a year or so for him to adjust to the position again.. yes i know that's his natural spot... but slim down to play LB.. the speed is there. but the weight gain gonna need some time to get along with the rust...

  2. Maybe tuck is just fighting injury. Especially neck injury is one of those nagging pain in the ass that's hard to play with.


    I wish Osi luck in A T L. At least Matt Byan won't be scared of getting strip no more....


    But whether it happens or not, you gotta love Eli for being so willing give himself a paycut to help retain a teammate. Such a team player.




    Anything under $10m a year would be a steal for Nicks. That's why I think they need to get a deal done with him now. His value is as low as it has been for his entire career.


    Yeah, I was just speaking out regarding Eli and other high paid QB. I guess extending contract adding a year would help the team greatly.



    As for Nicks. Agree. His cheapest value is now. Especially during a none playoff season. Him not putting up consistent numbers that we all know he could (because of injury during mid season).

  4. restructuring sucks balls.. how about a pay cut??.. LOL..


    watch some of these top QB's who get paid the highest salary (aka Flacco).. they should take pay cuts so teams can make the right calls to get the right guys..


    If you're getting paid 130Million but the team don't have the cash to pay linemens to protect ya ass.. wouldn't you take a pay cut to get a couple of stud linemens so you can play out the contract and retired an HOF QB??..

  5. Just wait until Kaperwhatevers rookie contract is up.


    Then they will have to cut players to pay him 100 million.


    Agree,, but winning a trophy is all that matters.... ask any Browns fan what they would give to be in the 9er's shoes right now.. lol..

  6. Payton Manning passing to welker, D.thomas and decker. That's going to be scary. Now they just need to get a Back that can make some room to balance the offense.


    They should take a hard deep look at Ahmad Bradshaw if I was John elway.

  7. Palmer is one of the best QB i saw coming out of USC. It's just bad karma or he could of just sold his soul to the devil that screw up his career. After that knee injury in the playoff against the steelers.. he was never the same... the stars just started slowly dimming with his name.


    as for the Raiders, they are nuts and unstable, No one is safe. no loyalty. that team's like a chick during period, changing coaches like changing pads... it's a bloody mess.

  8. Canty wasn't a bad signing at the time...sure, we may have overpaid more than we'd have liked, but at the end of the day, I can't be too upset at his signing (and release).


    Focusing on the future though, Jenkins provides flexibility come draft day. The Giants have plugged some holes using free agency in years past which gives them flexibility to take the best player available.


    I'm still thinking we go with a DT in the first, simply because there's so many good ones that will potentially be available. From the sounds of things, Jenkins will be easy to cut down the road should a potential rookie step up and show promise.


    if i remember correctly, we signed Canty when there was a crazy market for DT.. it was the same time when the Skins drop a 100mil on Albert Hamburger. I recall Reese said something like he drop an offer for the slop too. Then we kinda had to settle for the left over DT, which was Canty and i'm assuming that's when we gave a little too much (Just a little).. We did won a SUper Bowl with Canty .. so... i wouldn't say it's a bad signing. way better than wasting 80Millie on Fat Albert...

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