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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. I'm not going to pretend that it changed the game, but Peters was getting away with murder while JPP was on his side of the field, but then they call that on Beatty?!? And to add injury to insult, Cruz is probably healthy today if the ref doesn't blow that call on the play before. Whoever threw that flag, I hope that fucker loses his job and his wife cheats on him with a farm animal.


    I just can't get over how bad Pugh was last night, he made Barwin look like a hall of famer.

    Yes. I saw the same jersey grabbing move both sides. But the refs were out there calling it only on the Giants.


    As a poor ass gamblers. Knowing this was a prime time last game of the night the kind of game wasn't a shock to me. Giants on a roll, so people would put action on them regardless of heavy juice.


    Honestly, Reese hasn't had a good draft since 2008... unless you count two good players as a "good" draft.

    Agree the guy been trying to secretly build a future o line from 2009 with shit drafts in the late rounds. Trying to struck gold but Nothing from those picks did any good and it's been two seasons of BS blocking already.

  3. Damn people, let's not forget what the GMEN have done for us the last decade. Giants having a bad season or two, while the shit teams like Dallas, The Eagles and Skins can only wish they were us! I bitch too, but I try to keep this in mind if it starts to be too much.

    Thank you, TC can do whatever freaking gimmick he wants. Two Super Bowl rings earns him the rights to do whatever he wants. He can dance like the old six flag guy if he wants.

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