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Posts posted by TrashTalker92

  1. Aaron Ross, during the draft I really wanted joe Stanley the tackle from a small school who evenually went to SF. I thought to myself this dude was a track star, his girl is a tract star. I was all hyped that he'll handle the secondary for years to come. A glass for a shoulder and bad tackling did him in. He was serviable but not anything I was really hoping for. He did a decent job during the Super Bowl as well just nothing close to the Jason Sehorn I was expecting.

  2. Yes, let's bring back the guy who has struggled to sniff any position besides "defensive assistant" since his complete failure as a head coach in St. Louis and complete failure as a defensive coordinator in New Orleans.


    Face it, the guy was blessed with one of the best defensive lines of the modern NFL and got to experience lightning being caught in a bottle.

    The two years he was with us. Our defense didn't rank lower than now.

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