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Everything posted by K3VIN

  1. Carl "To the DL" Pavano might be going off the dl instead of on. http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20080818&content_id=3328431&vkey=news_nyy&fext=.jsp&c_id=nyy
  2. no one ganne be a 62 yard boom kicker in the medows.
  3. Carr problem was he had no line. He had 70% completion percentage two years ago.
  4. becuse of a fellow named Joe Torre
  5. We Bring in the Pen way to early. We go through 3-5 guys a night and not everygame there going to bring there bet stuff
  6. anyone know how he looked in camp
  7. i think Eli great. He had lead us on numerous amounts of Late 4th Quarter come back Win drives.
  8. the game black outs in most of the tri state area
  9. lets not forget josh is 27 and Edison is 25. Also eventuly those drugs are ganna take a toll on his body
  10. Maybe reese hopes Woodson shows his former 1st round abilties and trades him
  11. he was doomed from day one. he had one decent season
  12. K3VIN


    isthere anyone the giants are looking intoo
  13. K3VIN


    how long till he gets placed on DL
  14. i say Bradshaw but we gotta start Jacobs for the 1st half to keep them off guard on speed.
  15. Can Gilrdige mix in a play action once in a life time on a 3rd and one.
  16. the toomer catch that got reviewed. is a blind the he was moving the fucking ball with his hand. the ball didn't pop out in till he slid across the field and then the second tackler hit it out.(i dont know if any of this make sense)
  17. joba , jose tabbata , and huges are untochable. Ian kennedy will prolly be the one who moves for santana. but i feel this deal wont go through
  18. everyone blames arod but what do you want him to do when he come up with 2outs no one on. he cant hit a Hr everytime.
  19. how long till they fucking Double up on Witten.
  20. K3VIN

    Joba C

    will he ever start? for the exciment for a guy who will prolly never do more then setup. Me thinks Sanchez will be the closer. to me it seems wasted talnt.
  21. One thing you got to give Steve Phillphs is he got the Mets- Reyes,Wright, and you could throw in Milidge if he ever works out
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