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Everything posted by gateb

  1. gateb


    Yeah like he was gonna apologize to the fans anyway
  2. Drafting a talented back with health questions isn't so bad because it's not as if he'll be getting 300 carries with Jacobs in town. He can gain stamina and help us win ball games as the years go by if we do draft him.
  3. Oh. I looked in the section with Jacobs retiring and Turner being among one of the choices.
  4. 1st round pick? I have the star ledger in front of me and it says nothing of that sort.
  5. Yeah I heard that too. I don't like Ahman, he's fallen off the last few years. But with Turner, I don't think the Bolts can ask for more then a 5th rounder if we match them because that's where they drafted him. I'm not really that sure, I'm not too familiar with RFA. But I doubt the Bolts will be that desperate to bring him back with LDT and with some talent in Darren Sproles.
  6. I don't think we are firing TC. I don't think we are willing to go through the process of interviewing new coaches and eventually wind up getting a new one.
  7. I want to be set at the RB position come draft time. I like some of the prospects, but I really like Michael Turner. The Giants certainly should show interest in him this off-season. He is an RFA, and I doubt the Chargers will overpay him even a little with LDT there. If we match, we can trade a 5th rounder for him.
  8. Well, the haters can say 7 because of what the refs did in the Colts game.... But we still could've done a lot better in that game.
  9. I usually have liked Aikman but he seemed to hate on the Giants a lot yesterday. When we failed on our first red zone oppurtunity, he was hating on us. But a possession before, the Eagles were in the red zone and did nothing and Aikman didn't fault on the Eagles at all. That is just one of many examples.
  10. No offense, but the ones complaining sound like typical losers. By no means did they cost us the game. On Shockey's third and two catch Diehl got away with a holding idk how he got away with. It works both ways. Accept the loss and say your team (or coaches) lost it, not the refs.
  11. We need to learn how to play without Strahan. He probably has a year or two left. But we need to learn fast.
  12. Gotta love Shockey. And he wasn't bitching that much either. I liked it when he talked to Eli after that one play where eli completely missed him. He looked as reasonable as he can get. I really liked that play where he dove to catch it and got an extra 7 yards or so. Another great play on his part.
  13. Then did you watch the second half, where teams like the Panthers and Eagles were beginning to shut Jacobs down. When he comes in, the play calling has been miserable, and his production has gone down. Just like last year. I don't fault Jacobs, but I don't fault the coaches for leaving Tiki in there.
  14. Difference is that when you're in the red zone Jacobs doesn't have the time to get his motor going like he did against Tampa. When he comes in, they know he's running and aren't scared. That may be on the coaching but at least when a play breaks down, Tiki has a better shot of getting in. Jacobs doesn't have that ability.
  15. gateb

    goodbye tom

    Jets had a ridiculosuly easy schedule but Mangini did a hell of a job with that team. No question.
  16. gateb

    goodbye tom

    Can't fully blame the defense though. They played a lot better then expected. We knew we couldn't rely on them in the end. They are just poorly coached and there are no playmakers.
  17. But he gets defenses more worried then Jacobs. They have to respect his ability out of the backfield more then Jacobs. And Barber is better at picking up blitzes.
  18. gateb

    goodbye tom

    He's not doing any better then Lewis down there anyway. They forced 11 turnovers this year right?
  19. gateb

    goodbye tom

    I meant it's. It's a type-o, sorry. I didn't bother correcting it cuz I figured you knew what I meant.
  20. gateb

    goodbye tom

    Absolutely. This defense is gutless. It started last year at home against Minny. Played a perfect defensive game, Eli tied up the game, then we gave up a 45 yard drive to Minny out of nowhere and they won. When we tied up the game against Dallas on the road last year we immediately gave up a GW field goal in overtime. This defense has always been gutless under Tim Lewis. It's sickening.
  21. Jacobs has had minimal success against the Eagles on the goal line. Last year he got shut down at home, this year he barely made it in at home. The EAgles are built to stop guys like him, and they are the best team in football on stopping the short yardage in the red zone.
  22. gateb

    goodbye tom

    Look back to 2003. That defined losing a team. Losing 27-7 to the Vickless Falcons, getting our asses kicked against the Saints on national t.v., losing to Tim Hasselbeck's Redskins at home. Coughlin didn't lose us. He just doesn't know how to coach us.
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