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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Who do you have in mind? Who do you think could be the guy that leads us to the super bowl next year? The disciplinarian coach is gone. I've gotten that through my head. Coughlin can't control the stupid headbutts, these guys are just flat out idiots who have no clue what to do. My problem with Coughlin is his in-game managing and lack of adjustments. That may be a problem. Keeping him was the right thing. there was no on else out there.
  2. The only assistant prospect I really like is Ron Rivera, and who knows if we would've gotten him. It came down to the Mara's and Tisch's asking the players what they wanted, and they all said they wanted TC back. And that there were no real coaching candidates out there. I'm not a Coughlin fan. But I have to say, I do agree with this move.
  3. The only way we would've gotten Belichichk is if we gave up a 1st rounder. He's still under contract.
  4. And Endy Chavez. You think he watched any of the playoffs?
  5. The fact that he was with the Steelers 15 years says enough Nas. You're smart enough to know that no matter who the owner is, staying with a team that long and having a good amount of success like he had is not easy. And the Steelers weren't overly talented in 2005. They had some bad injuries. They overcame adversity and injuries, something our team has lacked over the years.
  6. We have to change a lot of things if we want to be a dynasty like you claim. We are going to need more speed in the secondary. Our secondary blows. Not enough speed, no playmaking ability, and guys that are more interested in hits then plays. Our first round pick should be for a guy in the secondary. We also need speed at LB. All in all, we need more playmakers on defense. On offense we need guys who can get open. I know Toomer is back, but we can't assume that both him and plax are a given to play 16 games. And Moss still has to develop. So we need another veteran at WR. Maybe a draft pick. Whatever works. Who the hell knows what Weis is going to be? I don't want watch college, I don't have much background info on him. All I know is that teams have played like shit against teams that are marked as elite. Sound familiar? One of our biggest problems under Coughlin has been beating teams that are marked as elite. Better yet, our biggest problem is we always find ways to LOSE. Whether it was the Seahawks last year, the Cowboys this year, the Eagles twice this year, we have just found ways to lose. Whether Weis will help with that or not is up for debate, but I'm just not crazy over him like you guys are at this point.
  7. And it hasn't been all this year either. Last year the same thing happened on the road against Dallas in overtime and at home against Minnesota. Minnesota being the most frustrating because we shut them down all game.
  8. The defense overperformed big time. The only thing that pisses me off is that it seems no matter how well we play throughout a game, they always suck when it matters the most (remember the Vikings game last year?)
  9. I have re-read this quote 3 times and I still am cracking up. This guy is a flat out idiot.
  10. Let's just pray we get rid of our assistants first. I have no clue who is out there at the moment. Maybe we'll do what the Skins did and overpay for a coordinator.
  11. I've had that habit since I was 11.
  12. Shockey's only not playef more than 10 games once in 2003.
  13. Who knows? Maybe we'll have a fun year. We always have better years when we don't expect that much and we have bad years when we expect a lot. I have us with not one win over 0-16.
  14. I was pleasantly suprised with Chase. The kid is good at wrapping up tackles, especially that sack on Garcia. We've been missing those the last two months. He's got speed too, and he is young and fresh. I wouldn't mind giving him some more time.
  15. The one exception may have been Seattle, where we still found a way to lose.
  16. We're gonna have an easier schedule.
  17. 4 years 40 mill? What the hell is with teams and this guy. First the Angels ask for Lastings Milledge for him and now this?
  18. I'm out of respsonses. I guess when we find out more, we'll know what to expect out of him.
  19. Maybe he's capable of doing what Oliver did for us.
  20. gateb

    Fark Romo

    Any farks of his great play in the playoffs?
  21. If we bring Lewis back and keep Gilbride as our OC I will be unbelievably pissed off.
  22. I was impressed with Blackburn. He played well, should've been in more then Emmons.
  23. Nice to see you're already in baseball mode
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