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Everything posted by gateb

  1. i cant watch this shit. thank god 24 is on tonight.
  2. Anyone who is surprised by El Duque making a stint on the DL is a fucking idiot. So I'm not complaining. Omar HAD to be prepared for something like this. We better make sure El Duque comes back 120%. I don't care if he comes back right before the all star break.
  3. i can live with that. torbor maybe?
  4. Awasom is a decent enough 4th DE. We don't know anything more then the Giants about how effectively Kiwi can play OLB.
  5. gateb

    Cut list

    you dont have jonas listed though...
  6. gateb

    Cut list

    jonas goes before joseph. joseph held down the fort nicely last year at DE, much more then I expected. Wasnt much but it wasnt embarrassing either.
  7. Ask a friend for a tape of the Colts Ravens game in the playoffs. He looked just like Eli so many times.
  8. When I first saw his height, my first reaction was that he is like maurice jones drew. Those highlights confirm my thoughts.
  9. Lets hope Deossie is a better #51 then our old one.
  10. I dont think this is a long term move. This is just to implement schemes where we can get Kiwi on the field as much as possible. I still think Kiwi is our DE of the future, unless he dominates at OLB. Kinda like the Papelbon experiment for Boston. They felt that Paps was the starter of the future, but needed a closer so they experimented with him. As it turns out, they found their dominant closer of the future. Hopefully we get the same results.
  11. bradshaw looks like a solid choice.
  12. agreed on all counts. itd be a nice cap off if we can land walker.
  13. correct me if im wrong, but doesnt peyton manning do the exact same thing?
  14. DeOssie compared to vrabel? I like it.
  15. Me too. But at the same time you have to realize that the defense played great all game long, and really kept us in the game in the second half. Both sides are too blame. In the end, its usually eli that steps up and the defense that falters.
  16. Very solid. I feel very content with the current draft class. Get em signed and ready to go.
  17. im thinking back to last years draft when in the third round you didnt know who gerris wilkinson was so you guys ensued to be pissed off. give it some time. boss needs to get some weight, but has nice potential for a 5th rounder. im hoping walker slides to 224... something must be wrong with him if hes fallen that low. maybe the NFL has figured out that notre dame prospects are very overrated.
  18. im pissed as hell. cowboys are so fucking lucky.
  19. i wouldve liked to trade down but ross is decent.
  20. accorsi is gone. we dont have to worry about that anymore.
  21. grand slam tonight for wily mo.
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