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Everything posted by gateb

  1. I think the thing holding Steinbrenner from firing Torre is Roger Clemens.
  2. Not really. FBs aren't paid to flatten guys and wear out defenses, they are paid to set up the run by blocking the right guy for the right amount of time for the RB. If we are going to rely on a FB to wear out defenses, that says a lot about how we feel about our OL. It's not as if Vonta Leach was going to be that guy anyway. Who knows if he was even that good.
  3. I don't want to proclaim him out too early but man he got into those tonight.
  4. We made our own break last night with Gomez being agressive running home. Opened up a 5 run 9th.
  5. We can talk about the lack of breaks all we want, but we gotta start making our own breaks there. We can't hit Smoltz, and that's a problem. Hudson killed us too. And for some reason Kyle Davies owns us. It's amazing what happens when Reyes struggles. Look at how this lineup has done.
  6. We can't hit John Smoltz. Period. Keep up with the Jew-love guys
  7. Probably because he can play every position and looks good in our "hangover" lineup.
  8. Man, this series has been brutal. At least what losing to the Braves has done is finally make me hate them. Last year, I didn't care enough to hate them. 05 I was still figuring out everything about the Mets. But now I know how much I hate them. Boy it's been ugly in this house tonight.
  9. What the fuck was that? That umpire better not let me get a hold of his address. No way in hell did Wright come close to swinging.
  10. gateb


    One thing to consider regarding Eli and Plaxico's problems on timing may be due to the reasoning that Eli has no clue how hard Plax will run on a particular down. One route he may run full speed and Eli may underthrow him, and the next time they run it, Plax runs lazily down the field and Eli overthrows him, like his first INT in tennessee.
  11. I think Manny is better then Jeter. Griffey would have been.
  12. It was actually June or July, when the Sox were 10 games back or something.
  13. One thing I noticed about Ollie is that when he makes his mistakes, he always misses bad. IMO that is a good thing. His mistakes have usually been middle of the plate or up enough where the hitter can crush it. Now it's way outside or way inside so it's just a wild ball. Not sure if that's intentional but it's clear on a night like last night where he was wild, he sitll managed to not get hit around. His stuff was great last night. That slider was biting and his fastball was electric.
  14. A-Rod contradicted himself in that last quote. He said he's going really hard and doing everything it takes to disrupt the DP, but he claims him pulling Pedroia out of the play was unintentional. I really can't tell and don't care enough to tell if he did it intentionally. From one angle it looks like he bounced straight from the slide to intentionally elbow pedroia and in another it looks accidental. I'm ready to move on, but I doubt that the media will. At least until Roger comes to Fenway.
  15. I think Perez has become our workhorse. Willie extending him out to 120 pitches, and he gets stronger as the game goes on. I love it.
  16. I love how when the ump blew the call on the SB for the Mariners not to long ago Kay went ballistic and said the Yankees lost because of that, but he barely makes any deal of it when the Sox guy gets screwed.
  17. Delgado is KILLING us. Put him on the DL, something's wrong. Put Green at first. Start Gomez. I have a feeling Delgado hits two homers tomorrow.
  18. If Finn was as bad as Nem proclaims him to be, Tiki would not have had those dazzling seasons. When did finn sign with us... 03 or 04? I think it was 04. That was when Tiki began his amazing streak.
  19. He's just Jay Feely for a cheaper cost. We saved a few million while getting a kicker of the same caliber.
  20. Probably a 6th rounder. I bet we'll get that 6th rounder back in compensation picks.
  21. Nothing against Jews... I think I'm quite fast actually
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