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Everything posted by gateb

  1. From the White Sox standpoint, that'd be the dumbest trade ever.
  2. gateb

    help me

    Anyone see the cover of the book? I'm torn on whether or not to get it. But if I got T.O.'s book, I guess I gotta read Tikis.
  3. The Mets are 7-0 in their last 7 games against St. Louis.
  4. Yes! The stadium comes out when I'm 18! I'll second that!
  5. No one will trade for A-rod. He's opting out no matter what team he finishes for, and the prospects that a team would have to give up for arod would be incredibly high.
  6. Lucky for me that the NFL network cancelled itself. So I dont have it anymore
  7. POWWWW!!!! Represent! :worshippy:
  8. gateb

    help me

    If the book doesnt have any dirt, then its gonna suck. Let's hope it sucks.
  9. I've heard Zito. I've heard Haren. I've heard Blanton. I've heard Hardon. A lot of rumors involving A's pitchers.
  10. Yeah, I only watched one of the games this weekend. I'm glad it was El Duque's one. Wasn't there a possibility of milledge for blaton? i would do it in a second.
  11. Watching our old pitchers dominate was great too. Wagner did a good job recovering from the Delgado error and getting out of it. Great series. I needed it.
  12. Good ol' karma How many runs was that against Colorado? 5?
  13. holy dumb fuck, i cant take this shit anymore! after the as it gets a little easier i think.
  14. Where were you in April-May tough guy?
  15. Take it from me, Cairo can't start everyday. Once he gets tired in the dog days of summer, he'll suck. He's a role player, Endy Chavez to a much lesser extreme
  16. I do think Rick P. can turn buehrle into a solid pitcher and be more effective. That, and the NL will help. I don't want to trade a top prospect for him though. I like Lidge somewhat, but I am terrified at the prospect of him pitching in the post season.
  17. i expected more. the questions are the same, and the drills they showed weren't that good. it does look like Jacobs has definitely trimmed down some.
  18. gateb


    At this point, money and career wins are irrelevant. Especially considering a guy making 18 mill is going to produce similar stats on the other side of NY. If Glavine didn't pitch piss poor against the Tigers and have a couple of shaky outings before that, then I would have expected him to pitch well. But the Yanks are red hot, Glavine isn't hitting corners, what can you expect? After his last 2 starts, would you not be happy with 6 IP 3 ER?
  19. gateb


    anyone who thought that Glavine wouldn't have been obliterated yesterday by the Yanks are out of their mind. He went through a rough stretch last year, except they were against teams not nearly the caliber of the Yanks or Tigers. He should be back to his 6 IP 3 ER ways soon enough.
  20. It was amazing how soft Castro, Delgado, and Lo Duca hit those balls, yet they found holes. The problem is he's leaving those pitches up. Gomez and Reyes really swatted those two. Gomez is gonna be a stud.
  21. My "should be" order for tomorrow night. Reyes Gomez Green Wright Lo Duca Beltran Delgado Valentin Franco That AB/1 pitch with Beltran was disgusting. My lineup isn't serious, but I would love to see Gomez batting second. He deserves it. And he's hot.
  22. Pulling this out of a hat but... injury may have been too serious to pay that money for, we felt he wouldn't be able to block for a guy like Jacobs as exposed to Tiki. Etc. Etc. There would be no reasoning for cutting Plaxico. If we drafted Jarrett, I would agree. But we didn't. We need a player like Plax for Eli to do well.
  23. Delgado's gonna launch two moon shots tomrrow. It seems everytime we win a big game like this we come out flat the next day. Tigers game last week, Brewers game that month, etc. I'd like to get a few in the first again tomorrow. I love that Reyes Gomez duo. Hopefully in the future it can be Gomez batting behind Reyes.
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