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Everything posted by gateb

  1. It says I need a number.
  2. gateb

    Paul LoDuca

    what i would like to know is how a guy who had paul lo duca as his starting catcher made the playoffs
  3. As soon as El Duque gets back, we gotta give Pelfrey some outings in the pen. We saw on Saturday that he does have the ability to pitch out of trouble (huge part of being a reliever) and the ability to get a double play with his sinker (probably would be the only reliever in the pen that has the ability to do that). It's really hard to resist not putting him on the roster, hopefully pelfrey backs up his performances.
  4. Anyone else here think Pelfrey should make the postseason roster over Sele?
  5. Yeah thats true. Would like to see Farnsworth go after Ortiz, both are pretty big dudes.
  6. Actually we're 7-0 with him in the clubhouse. Didn't we sweep Florida when he came up from his rehab to be with us for the weekend?
  7. You don't get the vibe that we held on to Coughlin for another year in the event that we either dominate or we have prime coaching candidates available in 08 (Belichick, Cowher, etc.)? I'm not a fan of TC but I'd rather have the guy who's been to two AFCCG then the coach that has yet to win a bowl game. I do like Petrino though...
  8. ugh, with our cast of characters I don't think Parcells would be a good match. Call me crazy but Young was right in not wanting to bring him back. He really screwed us in 91 leaving us with Ray Fucking Handley. The guy is an ass, he never has any loyalty to his team. He's playing for first place and he's basically begging the division rival for a GM job at the end of the year. And I don't think he's that great a coach either anymore, but that's just me. Not as bad as the Cowboys players are making him out to be, but not a championship caliber coach.
  9. At ND he's been hype, his success in NE was great though. btw, Hufanagel is also someone to be credited for the development of Brady... I'm just not ready to take a chance on a hit or miss on a guy like Weis, especially when we are at a critical cross roads to our franchise. I'm fine with keeping TC for another year, evaluate with what we got, and move on if we need to.
  10. Yeah I actually would. I think Weis is a big time product of hype. Our problem with Coughlin is our inability to get to the next level, isn't that Weis's biggest beef with ND? I think if we hired Weis we'd be in for a dissappointing season this year with a lot of unknowns for 08. With Coughlin, I think we do have a chance to make some noise (even though it'll probably be 10 wins at best) and if we suck he's gone and there'll be better coaching free agents out there. ND's loss yesterday didn't exactly help the cause either...
  11. id rather suffer through another year of coughlin then go through 4 years with weis. if we get belichick next year, keeping coughlin would be the best thing this franchise has ever done.
  12. Look at the spark he gave our team today with his bullpen session. Imagine when he starts. Great, much needed win today
  13. Shawn Estes. He did hit a homer off of Roger later. At least he got something
  14. What's with these Yanks pitchers going after Youki? First Proctor then Joba. I guess the Yanks don't like patient hitters that aren't on their roster...
  15. i dont wany of those guys taking our snaps if eli goes down. hopefully there'll be someone cut we can use. if eli goes down this year we're done.
  16. Lorenzen blows. I don't want this guy as our backup QB.
  17. yeah i cant even discuss what happened either... btw what you said about OP a while back in that thread is looking very right at this time... he's been ridiculous unsteady lately.
  18. You know I'm usually the closest one to being a homer here or overly optimistic FFFF, and i can admit right now this team is so screwed up and pedro will not fix that on his own. We need more then a shot in the arm. We need real pitchers. I would be ecstatic if we take 2 of 3 from atlanta this weekend, and happy if we take 1 of 3.
  19. until they prove me wrong, they are a dead team walking. so many goddamn flaws...
  20. How about throwing the chair at green instead?
  21. WHY WAS GREEN BATTING THERE! I'm surprised the way we lost but not that Green rolled over to the shortstop. This puts the nail in Green's coffin. We don't have room for him on this team. DFA is the way to go. Luckily I've got somewhere to go tomorrow afternoon and friday night so I'll miss the next two. Hopefully Humber makes his debut this Saturday. This feels just like a Braves series. All the hits that we had robbed down the line, foul balls that just missed being fair, line drive outs. Terrible play on our part, good play on theirs. Ugh.
  22. This team is a joke. 4 straight games with 2 runs, is that some sorta record? Look where we've been playing and who has been pitching and it makes it that much more disgraceful. fuck this team, football is back.
  23. i hope coughlin is our coach until the end of the decade. it would mean that we are playing some pretty good football.
  24. Burress is entering the big money part of his contract. If he doesn't step it up and guys like Smith and Moss do, I can definitely see us cutting him and drafting a guy like that sick WR from cal (I forgot his name, the punt returner).
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