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Everything posted by gateb

  1. that was a great game too. it's probably because of all the random gammons reports and the interviews with the manager.
  2. I think Ward and Jacobs could be a very productive duo. I don't think Jacobs nor Ward can carry the ball 16 full games, but they are capable of making an impact when they have the ball.
  3. This team would become a complete circus event with Parcells here, could you imagine that? He'd be a step up from what we got now, but I just don't want to bring him in. Hell, maybe we can find some Mangini magic and pick up that Josh McDaniels guy from NE. He's there OC. Supposedly a really bright mind. I just don't think Parcells is that good a coach anymore, and that he wouldn't bode well with this team in this era. It's not all the coaching guys, this team screws themselves every goddamn oppurtunity. Toomer dropping the pass in the end zone, the 15 yard penalties, the stupid plays by Shockey. Our defense sucks, no denying that. But our coaches did put our offense in position to make some plays and we failed.
  4. The run game was okay yesterday, Ward showed some nice ability. But I remember one time in the red zone when he cut out instead of in, which would have led to 6. His vision didn't impress me at all. How'd you fare with the parking lot yesterday? Didn't get out of the lot till 20 of 4, the game in two weeks could get really ugly in there.
  5. I don't think I've been that negative this year. Strahan just didn't impress me from the start, that's all. Anyone that disagrees didn't watch the game. Doesn't mean I think Strahan won't have a big impact this year, I think he'll help this team by a considerable amount. Check some threads, I've been over-pleased with certain players (Eli, Diehl, Burress, Shockey, Ward, etc.)
  6. Word is Moises wants to retire. Any FA OF out there that could stop by for 1 year?
  7. he never had steam to begin with.
  8. This year he started 70% of the games in the second half, at least. Last year he played a good chunk of games too. After how many games or ABs does it take to no longer be considered a rookie? I think Milledge has nearly 2/3 a season's worth of ABs in his career.
  9. Seriously, what the fuck is so hard about scoring a run against the Phillies bullpen?
  10. Milledge won't be a rookie next year. Moises will be back, he'll play 110 games, and Endy and Carlos will platoon in the games he misses.
  11. He was supposed to be in home run derby but got replace by hee seop choi a few years back. I wouldve liked to see that one...
  12. I can see the Braves getting him and moving Franceour to center, his first position.
  13. not sure actually, the holiday begins during sunset. i guess willie convinced him because john smoltz was pitching. one thing for sure, he aint playin next friday+saturday.
  14. Taylor is a more efficient version of Roy Williams. I think he's gonna be really good this year and for the rest of his career with Laron next to him. That's a pretty scary combo.
  15. I'm fine having a center that actually is playing and doesn't have a career threatening knee injury
  16. Favre won't put up Romo's #s, but he's still good enough to make a 15 yard throw with no defenders within 15 yards of him.
  17. Maybe we can try him at LB :brooding: Osi is in a league of his own when he's on his game. Too bad that hasn't been the case since 05.
  18. With or without eli, that GB game scares me. If the middle of the field is open, I bet even Favre can have a field day. And this weekend is a must win game.
  19. I'm fairly confident that this team doesn't trust Lorenzen at all. And I can't blame them. Contrary to what Carl Banks said this preseason, I don't think the Giants feel like he has gone from novely to reliable backup.
  20. Osi will probably be inactive. Him or Cofield.
  21. Each NL East team has taken a few days of shit in the last week.
  22. speaking of the pen, hows gagne been lately?
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