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Everything posted by gateb

  1. The Giants must know something we don't. Simple as that.
  2. Omar should take a look at Bradford again. Give him a low-middle level prospect to the O's for him. We need that guy back. Will joe smith have an impact next yeaR? Minnesota knows when their window shuts, and that time is now. They'll try to trade Santana and get a bunch of prospects from two teams. Maybe the D Backs could use a 1b past his prime?
  3. I don't see any way Santana is in a Twins jersey the whole year. Maybe there's a way we can work a three way deal where we get Santana and a decent 1b, get rid of Delgado, and give the Twins our top prospects (Miilledge, Gomez, and Humber/Pelfrey). That's the only way I see it going down. A 3 way deal. But I'm confident we're going to be hearing about it a ton.
  4. The key for us this is year is to be a step ahead of the game. Offenses are going to adjust to what we did against the Eagles last night, if we do that a lot then we'll get crushed. I would tone down the blitzes a lot more for the Jets game, or pennington will dink and dunk us to death and Leon washington will get a ton of yards on screens. This team does have the capability to fly to the ball and sack the QB. A front 4 of Tuck, Kiwanuka, Strahan, and Osi is unbelievable in passing downs. But if they decided to use some power running, who knows what wouldve happened. I don't like the matchup of Shawn Andrews on Kiwanuka on running plays. Osi said that he would run through a brick wall for Spags. It's apparent they love playing for this guy.
  5. When the Ravens are playing and your baseball team is sucking, what would you rather watch? That town is a football town now.
  6. Apparently Billy has been lashing out to Rick and Willie straight to their faces AND through the media? You were right about this clown. Losers like him and Delgado is what made us into what we became this year.
  7. I don't think it was even that fun... :brooding:
  8. He got caught up in reading shit about how he is the most talented player in Mets history and how Rickey said he's gonna break 130 steals one day. It got to his head. He needs an off-season to catch his breath and get back going. And I think he will. But the dancing has gotta stop, I agree with that. And the jose jose jose jose thing at Shea too. It's a pain in the ass, especially while he's sucking.
  9. I've got a feeling Johan is gonna be a Met next yaer. Stark said we may have saved our prospects just for this time, to either go with them as our starters or give them up for a true legitimate ace. It's the middle relief that has me worried about our future. I want to get rid of Delgado desperately, he's a loser. Facts are facts. The guy doesn't win where he goes, and he has a losing attitude. Anyone know any 1b available?
  10. come on saul, you owned us. now own the phils.
  11. I don't think there is a chance in hell Wagner sets up anyone, keep in mind he has to have the proper adrenaline boost before he comes in. God this team is fucked up.
  12. There's no way I can talk about Reyes positively with one of the worst two week stretches I've ever seen by a lead off hitter. Absolutley pathetic.
  13. I just don't see how you're even thinking WC at this point. Pads up 4-3 bottom 6, brew crew have bases loaded 1 out.
  14. It's practically made me barf watching those soldout crowds spinning their rally towels, or watching the phillies players cheer while watching the mets lose. But goddamit, that team deserves that satisfaction.
  15. Couldn't agree more about Rickey. He's nothing but a show. We're stuck with Billy and I can't see anyway we cut ties with Heilman considering he's been our only real guy there the last two years. We don't have the luxury of getting rid of him. Mariano for closer? Anyone have a list of upcoming FAs?
  16. Is Karp really our projected 1b of the future? btw, this is going to be talked about all off-season. Gomez, Milledge, and Pelfrey/Humber for Santana. I would do it, what do you guys think?
  17. Ward play well but he was absolutely EXHAUSTED in the 4th quarter. He was hurting the team then. If we can keep him fresh he'll have a nice impact. I wanted Droughns to get some carries in the 4th, but I was really surprised by TC sticking with Ward.
  18. With a name like that, he'll go from advertising procede to him pitching in our bullpen.
  19. We'll tie with Philly for the lead, they'll beat us in their house, we'll play SD for wild card, beat them, then go home and lose to colorado on wednesday. this is the LAST year I'd want 3 extra games for. and we may get em.
  20. Wouldve been great to have that certain white pitcher right now that we traded for a spanish project thats out for a year right? This sucks. And I get every feeling the Giants are gonna make it worse.
  21. So Willie's expression in the dugout is the motivation they'd need? Who's to say Willie isn't fiery in the clubhouse? It's the last 2 weeks of the year, these players should be able to motivate themselves. The whole concept of manager motivation IMO is overrated. Maybe in the dog days it holds some weight but not now, not in september. If Willie's blank looks bother you, that's fine. The looks that bother me are Reyes's crazy swing on the first pitch popping it up, Delgado whiffing at a high fastball or slider in the dirt, Wright overthrowing first base, and so forth.
  22. So throwing a chair will keep Sosa from letting in 3 runs? Blaming the manager is just a sign of being in denial of our team just not being any good.
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