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Everything posted by gateb

  1. How many WS did you win with A-Rod? Build your team around young pitching and good hitting and you'll be fine. I have to admit, you're finding the right nucleus of players in the staff. Once the contracts like Giambi and others expire you'll have enough coin to get some nice FAs in the lineup and pitching.
  2. gateb


    I'm more concerned how our defensive line got out-physicaled on the running plays. I'm hoping it was due to poor traction or tired legs or something. Because if we play like this against MB III, he'll play well against us and open up the pass for Romo.
  3. Today was a typical Feeley day. Missed the long field goal, a couple line drive kickoffs to the 5. Tynes just flat out sucks. Sign Martin Gramatica.
  4. It wasn't even Feeleys 3 game winners that he missed that killed me. I do give him a benefit there. The first two were chokes, but sending him out for a third one was retarded. A 54 yarder when his confidence was shot, let your ace punter nail them inside their own 5. His kickoffs were what earned him a one way out of New York. Line drives to the 7 became too common for a defense that was having trouble stopping offenses. It's demoralizing coming out at the 35 when the real goal is the 25-27 yard line. I hate Tynes, but I don't miss Feeley. The guy I wanted the Giants to draft was that UCLA kicker Meddle, and I don't think he's even on the Chiefs roster anymore. It's so hard to find kickers these days, yet teams like the Pats and Dallas just made it look easy.
  5. Girardi would have to be like Coughlin in terms of changing his ways for the benefit of the team. He has a history of clashing with the FO, and his style is suited for young players that need to overachieve. You think you guys should really go for him?
  6. gateb


    New week. Same shit. No highlights AGAIN.
  7. He was on Bengals PS a couple of weeks ago, but I think he got cut from there. Kickoffs are just as important as FGs IMO. We really lacked in kickoffs with Feeley. One of the biggest non-talked about reasons why we lost the Cowboys game. Look back where they started every drive. The difference between the 35 and 25 is huge.
  8. He called Eli the next Joey Harrington in 2005 :brooding:
  9. Is Tuck even on the ballot?
  10. I heard Reese played a huge role in it. He basically demanded we take Osi at that spot or we'd regret it.
  11. And Ross had cramps towards the last quarter of the Packers game. They got 2-3 TDs in that quarter I think. There's too much info for it to be a coincidence, Ross has gotten our defense going. But Madison deserves a lot of credit too. He's playing awesome.
  12. It's almost good Tynes is sucking now. That way, we can get his ass out of here while we know he'ss trash. What if he kicked like this is December after having a decent first few months? He better not be on this roster another week. Gramatica will be a Giant by the Cowboys game.
  13. gateb

    JD Drew

    Just exceeded the expectations of his contract with one swing.
  14. There's a stop where the shuttle takes you across the street from the Exxon gas station. If I were you, I'd plan to get to wherever you want to park 1130 at the latest. Worst case scenario is your in the stadium an hour early. And if you are, so what? I'd rather be in the stadium early then doing nothing at home worrying if I'll get to the game at time.
  15. gateb


    Do you think they'll show a Giants highlight reel soon? The only highlights theyve shown since week 1 were the Jets game, and that was a feature on instant replay. So there were two highlights. Guarantee, once we go on our second half losing streak they'll show everyone of our highlights.
  16. Get him a Cano jersey. He's gonna be there for the next 10 years and is a stud. And it's an original buy.
  17. It sucks that RW is horrible at returning punts, but I do feel confident whenever he's back there. Experienced guy that never muffs or fumbles the ball.
  18. cramps. again. ross has been great this year, i thought he couldve done something with the ball on his INT though.
  19. I think Melky's a nice little player, but I'm not sure how he'll improve in CF and I think at this point Gomez may actually be better in overall fielding. Do you have any scouting reports on Melky before he came up to the majors? It'd be interesting to read about his strengths and weaknesses. What do you think Melky's peak will be in terms of hitting? He's a big guy so I bet he has power but he's been very streaky as a major league hitter. Gomez has looked miserable with his approach. He comes to bat swinging at every pitch, but it's scary that he's actually making good contact a lot more then he should. He's so raw and has a ton of ability. I like him more then Milledge actually...
  20. Tim Rattay is probably going to start in Washington. I would go with that one.
  21. First of all, a pitching prospect may be a better choice for the Twins because they would have him locked up. This would be Wang's third year already, and he's going to cash in as an FA soon. Not to mention, Wang is the Indian's bitch. If they acquired a Pelfrey or Humber they would have a lot of time with him, and they could use his great ceiling to be a 1-2 punch with Liriano. The Twins are taking a major hit losing Torii Hunter. Carlos Gomez is supposed to have all of Hunter's fielding skills and has exhibited them the entire time ni the majors. Cabrera may have a great arm, but he is not a good overall fielder. Takes terrible routes to the ball. And his hitting ability is decent, but how good can it be? With Gomez, you get a fast player with some pop and the ability to spray it to all fields. He's just extremely raw. I would say we would offer Gomez, Milledge, Pelfrey, and maybe Heilman for Santana. And that would top Wang, Cabrera, and a prospect that isn't Hughes or Joba. I don't see why you think Melky is so sensational. At this point, every baseball team will take Gomez or Milledge in a trade over Melky.
  22. I dont think dallas's penalty fest yesterday was an aberration, they've had discipline problems all year (thank good old Wade for that one).
  23. I guess you're gonna have to wait 20 years?
  24. The only way to beat the Pats is with a big time running game. Get Jacobs and Ward ready!
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