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Everything posted by gateb

  1. They say it takes a full year to recover fully from his injury. And his happened on November 5th. He looked a little faster during the Cowboys game on that catch over the middle, hopefully that continues today.
  2. We needeed a catcher who can help our young inconsistent pitchers. IMO Lo Duca did not cut it. When the wheels came off of Perez and Maine towards the end, he did little to stop the bleeding. We need a guy who can manage pitchers. I dont care what his avg was.
  3. Eckstein's fundamentally sound so I think a switch to 2b would be fine for him. I don't like the guy, but he'd be better than giving Castillo 4 years.
  4. The Yanks are probably going to have trouble acquiring stars in the future if Boras represents them.
  5. I've seen pictures, and Romo somehow made the throw exactly at the line of scrimmage. He wasn't over IMO. One replay makes it looks like he does, but zoomed in pictures show he wasn't. Our luck. All we needed was 5 feet and we wouldve gotten it. It wouldve been third and 14 or something if that was called an illegal forward pass.
  6. I'm sorry... but how could we have gotten Cromartie?
  7. We have one white starting position player.
  8. Steroids in football, shocker. They should be revoked a first round pick, and at least one of their wins against us should be given to us.
  9. 3 years 15 million. I like it. He's 29, and works great with pitchers. That's what we were really looking for in this market IMO. An okay 8th place hitter, clutch, provides great defense. Good riddance to Lo Duca. Enjoyed the crazy eye moments, but you haven't won shit in a 10+ year career and I don't think we're gonna miss you or your double plays.
  10. I bet 29 teams told him to fuck off if he's seriously negotiating withour Boras. Wow.
  11. The diagnosis is a severe sprained ankle for christ's sake. He's being shoved at the line, being pushed all around the field. He's making agressive blocks, and putting a ton of pressure on that ankle. How can you say that isn't a valid excuse for a drop off in performance? I was at the game, I saw Plax running decently in the first half but really limping in the fourth quarter. It's not shocking about the news that it's feeling worse. The guy may not have character, but he has a ton of heart. He's coming at the end of his contract and eventually will be at the point where he's going to get another extension. He's risking it all by playing through this injury. That's toughness.
  12. We sent Plax on nothing but deep routes during the game. The Boys did a nice job of clamping down on it. Plax's ankle is hurting his play though. I was for giving him the Phins game off then the bye, but we didn't.
  13. He's good but he isn't Peterson. Not with that passing game.
  14. If we take care of business against Detroit there's no doubt we're getting at least 10. We'll beat Minny afterwards. I know about our thanksgiving nightmares but if Adrian Peterson is hurt who will play the role of VY? We'll split Chicago and Philly. We'll handle Redskins. We'll lose to Buffalo and NE... :brooding: that game against buffalo scares me.
  15. Yeah. Something I thought of that could explain some of the small amount of HOF #1 QBs. Teams that draft #1 usually do so because of poor front office management. It's not as if after they draft that QB they'll make smart decisions all the time even though there are exceptions. #1 Picks probably aren't around the smartest minds, which means they don't have the proper support cast. Look at Alex Smith. I don't think he's be a HOFer, but his support cast blows because of crappy management.
  16. I don't need HOF out of Eli. Even though he doesn't have consistent production out of his support casts, he has missed throws when he's had guys open too much. That's what bothers me. You're right, I'm probably expecting too much. But that's what happens when a team gives up a lot for a player and the first overall pick. You expect big things, sometimes unrealistically. I'm fine if Eli plays like this for the rest of his career.
  17. He is. And we'll see if he can turn a weakness of his game into an average part of his game. To be great, you can't have a weakness. You have to make your weaknesses look average or better. BTW, eli's gonna be in a similar spot as last year. Plax will not be a big factor unfortunately, that ankle is really hurting him. Three of his next four on the road, mostly against good defenses and/or hostile environments. Every game is going to be a pressure cooker. We'll see if he rises up.
  18. The thing that Eli lacks was the thing that made Elway so exceptional. Escape ability and making great throws on the run. That 4 yard pass play to Shockey was great, but other then that it's hard to pick out times Eli's in the pocket, steps up, shifts to the right and makes a great throw awkwardly. In the first half Eli had an oppurtunity to do just that, he escaped pressure but overthrew Plax on the run. That's what I'd really like to see out of him.
  19. He had 15 before Luke and Amani got hurt. He had 9 in the last 8 games. He played decent, but didn't put his team on his shoulders and literally carried us to victory like he had to down the stretch. That's not a beef on him, but it shows that he isn't what we thought we'd get out of the #1 pick.
  20. Every time the Giants got to the line after the first delay of game, there was 15 seconds. I looekd every time. Trust me.
  21. We used Plax terribly. Everytime there was a pass I saw him forty yards downfield blanketed.
  22. Eli can only be defended for so long. I like having him as our QB. I think he is one of the better ones in the league. Watching the 9ers game tonight, I realize things could definitely turn out worse with a #1 overall pick at QB. All I know is, when Eli has been called upon to step up, he's shriveled. He hasn't gotten ideal help, but he hasn't taken over games like we hoped he would when we got him. In the second half last year, when our D was decimated by injuries, that was his time to go "alright, if we're gonna win, it's coming through me" and play over his head. But it didn't happen. He steadily got worse, and otherwise went on to have a decent December. But not enough. The Jacksonville game was really telling. You can say what you want to about last year, no Amani, top WR has bad attitude, no LT, idiot calling the plays, it's true. But I am getting a little tired of defending him. In due time, I think it's time we drop the potential to be great label and just notice him as a decent QB who puts his team in position to win week in, week out. I've got no problem doing that either. So far Eli's been a dissappointment. But he's a dissappointment at least 10-15 other teams would kill for.
  23. Detroit's gonna come out playing pissed. If we win, we'll earn it. Are we gonna come out like we did against Jacksonville last year? Hope not.
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