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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Where do you come to those conclusions on Gomez and Pelfrey?
  2. For the hell of it, Omar should ask the O's to package in Chad Bradford too. Boy we could use him.
  3. Except for the end of the first half, which was identical to 2006. Third and seven, and calls a time out. Gives them 3 free points, last year gave them 7 free points. One thing that has always bothered me has been Coughlin's end of half managment.
  4. Then what's the point of trading Moss if they weren't afraid of acquiring a malcontent? The Raiders didn't want value for Moss. They wanted to dump him as the beginning of an attitude change in Oakland. Getting Plax would not be the first step in that direction. The thing that scares me is if we sign Stallworth at 30 mill and he's getting more than Plax than Plax will hold out and there might be some trouble. I've already heard Osi is upset with his contract that he signed a couple of years ago. He might hold out too.
  5. Yeah either way Coughlin would be killed if we wound up losing. Spags is the man. He always has his troops fired up. It's so much better for a defender to have his coach on the field firing him up instead of a DC hiding in the press box like last year during games.
  6. If it was anyone back there but Hester I'd agree but the fact that he was back there gives them an automatic start at the 40 with one time out and a minute thirty in the situation we put them in. At the time I agreed with going for the TD as soon as we could, but then I realized, if TC can't trust this unit to make an extra point then the whole bunch of them should be cut.
  7. No shit statement of the year but... Eli needs to step up for 4 quarters if we're gonna make any noise. This confirms it more. I don't think we should keep Ward. The guy is a good talent, but he is waaaaaaayyyyyyy too injury prone. I'd rather draft a stronger guy and work with him. It seems like there's a Derrick Ward out there everywhere nowadays.
  8. He couldnt turn Calvin Johnson, Roy Williams, and Mike Furrey into the #1 offense in the league. But I guarantee he will with Toomer Burress and Moss!
  9. This whole team sucks. Coaching, players, QUARTERBACK
  10. Based on the large deals given to Plax, Pierce, Mckenzie, and others in the last 3 years
  11. Moss for Plax Do you ever see trades like that? Why would Oakland trade one malcontent for someone who would be another in Oakland?
  12. maybe you have the same friend as the admiral does... I hear contract talks between Bedard and the O's stalled, and a day later we acquire Church. I really don't think Omar has any intentions of having Church as our starting RF to start the year. Green is a similar type of player anyway. Anyone have a list of OF FAs?
  13. If the Bears drop four back again and it's 4th and 6 or something like that, I direct snap that ball to one of the guys in front of the punter. There's a reason teams don't do that. It's because they're scared theyl'l get bit in the ass with a crazy fake punt like that. I think Bradshaw will have a big return Sunday. It seems all eyes are on Hester to do something, but maybe our spceial teams guy will be the difference in the game.
  14. Aside from a shaky start against Boston, Wang was just as good as Hughes in September. He had 4 very good starts on the road and 2 bad ones, not exactly enough to convince Torre to start him over a guy who's won 40 games over the last two seasons.
  15. Smith could play the role of Toomer just not the #2 WR. Stallworth has earned that respect automatically if we sign him. This team needs a player like Stallworth. We can't score points, because the only way we can is by 8-10 play drives, which this team isn't capable of doing three times a game. We don't have a guy right now that can go 75 yards in a blink of an eye. And that includes Moss. He's fast, but it still doesn't look like he knows what to do with the ball just yet. That WR screen against Atlanta was hideous, a guy with his ability has to get the first down with an open field that he had. I'm starting to believe Moss was a guy that EA was so much in love with that he had to get him no matter how he felt he would fit in our system. I think he has five games to show that he can be a contributing playmaker to us, otherwise I would like to believe we'd ackonwledge that he won't be the playmaker we need and we'd go after a guy like Stallworth. It's pretty obvious the Giants don't really know how to draft WRs in this decade.
  16. I did say set up, not that Smith would actually be one... It's the ideal scenario.
  17. Why would you start hughes over a guy who won 19 games after missing a full month to start the year?
  18. Maybe Church is a Beane type of guy. He gets a lot of doubles and walks a lot too. And he's a lefty. Package him, Heilman, and Humber in a deal for Haren or Blanton. That's my dream right now.
  19. Do you realistically expect us to get any of those guys? I don't. Donte' Stallworth will be let go by the Pats to get some cap room to re-sign Moss among others. He'll be available, and he is a must. Toomer's time is up, Moss is useless. Set Stallworth up to be the playmaking second WR, and Smith to be the reliable third wide receiver. If we get proper playcalling on this squad and better play from the QB, Stallworth would be huge for this offense. Build our defense through the draft.
  20. This trade is so bad that there has to be some reason to it Right?? :brooding:
  21. LOL i remember when madden said that. Classic
  22. Gibril's fine, it's just the guy next to him that sucks. Hell, look at Ed Reed. What's he done after Will Demps left (when Demps was good).
  23. Weather is the ultimate equalizer. How good are we anyway to be called much better than any team?
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