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Everything posted by gateb

  1. The Mets knew when making the trade they were gonna have to really dish out a lot of coin for johan. No worries. He's a Met
  2. I think you're original offer floored ours. Twins made a mistake IMO
  3. I saw it on ESPNnews 2 minutes ago WOOOOOOOOO
  4. goddamit you beat me to it :brooding:
  5. Buy your books today! Get one while they're still available
  6. We got pressure on Brady last time and he was 32-42 for 350 yards. Running the ball is the key. Last time we had seven carries for seven yards at halftime. Our D was exhausted because our offense didn't put sustained drives together at all in the first half. 21 points was nice, but our D was tired.
  7. The boys are shopping spears but he wouldnt be part of a Cowboys-dolphins deal. He ripped Parcells after the Tuna left and they had trouble getting along too. I really can't believe the cowboys would make that move. It's too good to be true.
  8. I saw it. Brady has rushers in his face all night. Osi was tearing up Matt Light too.
  9. Russo was an idiot today. He was saying that it was bad that Plax and other Giants were at the Knicks game Monday like it was some kind of crime. He was saying the Giants were saying they wanted Brady to play which is untrue. They've been saying that they know he will play. Guys like him keep on backpedaling. They're at the point where they can't anymore.
  10. You lucky sonofabitch! congrats
  11. Tiki Barber 'ecstatic' for Giants BY RALPH VACCHIANO DAILY NEWS SPORTS WRITER Wednesday, January 23rd 2008, 4:00 AM Tiki Barber has no regrets about the timing of his retirement, even though he quit the NFL one year too early to join the Giants on their wild, Super Bowl ride. In fact, Barber said he's "ecstatic" for the teammates he left behind and insisted during The Barber Shop last night on Sirius NFL Radio that he's been rooting for the Giants all along. Asked by his brother and co-host, Ronde, if he was "sad" the Giants were doing it without him, Tiki said "I'm not, dude. I really am not." "It's interesting," Barber said. "My wife asked me that exact question: 'So you have to feel, even just a little bit of remorse that you left early.' I said, 'Honey, I'm trying to make myself think that and wish I was still there, but I'm not. I was done with football. In my heart I knew I didn't want to do it anymore. My passion is elsewhere." Barber said he was happiest for Michael Strahan and Amani Toomer, the only two players left from the Giants' 2000 Super Bowl team. He also took aim at his many critics who he feels have labeled him "a Giant hater" because he has often been critical of his old team. "I said what I said about the New York Giants because it's my job, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a supporter of the New York Giants," Barber said. "People think I'm a Giant hater. I'm not. I went down to Tampa to watch (Ronde) play (three weeks ago). I was rooting for the Giants." He also seems to have a new-found respect for his old nemesis, Tom Coughlin. In discussing how the Giants have succeeded in the postseason so far, Barber - who once ripped Coughlin for being "out-coached" in the postseason in 2005 - said, "The last three weeks they have out-coached their opponents. Their game plans have been better than the teams they have played."
  12. Just ordered this baby yesterday
  13. Hixon had a big return to the 45 after they took a 17-13 lead that gave us momentum to go on our next TD drive.
  14. just remembered ron rivera. maybe we can give him a shot.
  15. I thought that was a bad move by Norv punting it in that spot. 4th and 10 is tough to convert but you gotta take that chance down by two scores against an offense that flat knows how to win. They gained 25 yards on that punt or something, not worth it IMO.
  16. Do the giants have a fiery LB/DB/DL coach waiting in the wings within the system?
  17. Man, if Spags decides to come back and declines the job he'd have an irremovable spot in our hearts 'Til he gives up 85 points in the first two games.
  18. I thought the post and daily news had bad selection of pics today.
  19. Great :brooding: First black referee in the Super Bowl, Mike Carrey. That was the guy who did the Giants vs. Pats game at the meadowlands right?
  20. Maybe we have a LB coach or DB coach from within that's ready to take over a DC job that has the same philosophy as Spags. I sure hope so.
  21. It's not really Mara-like to give a DC as much money as the HC, that's what I'm worried about.
  22. gateb


    Jacobs did his job. He softened up the Packers in the first half and weared em out enough to give Bradshaw more room to run in the second half. He did exactly what we needed him to do. Kudos.
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