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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Coughlin has a honeymoon year this year. There's no way he leaves after 08.
  2. I made a youtube video of it. It's terrible I know
  3. Talk about filling space. Already predicting this stuff. I think Carolina has a better shot at coming back then NO.
  4. Giants have an offer on the table for Spags Who was meeting with Redskins owner Daniel Snyder into the afternoon after spending the night in Snyder's guest house in suburban D.C. A person close to the situation said the Giants have a new deal on the table for Spagnuolo; ESPN's John Clayton said a little while ago that the deal would make Spags one of the highest-paid coordinators in the league. The person close to the situation said there were "no promises" with said deal, so Spags is not assured of being next in line to succeed TC. No matter how big a contract the Giants offer -- and this is my analysis -- it's really only a one-year deal, because if the Giants defense is even 3/4 as good as it was this season, Spags will have his pick of head coaching jobs for 2009. The Giants do not want him to leave yet, especially for the 'Skins... But that may be up to Spagnuolo. Former Giants coach Jim Fassel is "standing by," I've been told. That's all for now.
  5. Williams got hired by Jacksonville. It'll be Dom Capers if Spags leaves.
  6. What are we going to do with Kiwi anyway? Especially if Strahan comes back?
  7. There's still a part of me that wants to like Tiki. Remember him for his greatness. Now that we won maybe all will be forgiven, he'll grow up, and enjoy a good broadcasting career.
  8. We did the same thing. Where were you? I was on cedar street i think. Cedar or Pine I forgot. I originally went to wear the floats were. 9:30 and i was so pumped we were in front. Sure enough, the floats pull away with no players on them. Parade starts on opposite side. We managed to make our way into Cedar and had to work our way through to the front for forty minutes. I was too far in back to see Strahan and Eli and company but I got to see some guys. Couldn't recognize anyone because of what you said, you're 100% right.
  9. Damn we're not leaving his building till 1030. Guess I won't be getting a good spot :brooding:
  10. Same with my Dad. About a 5 minute walk from his building. He originally wasn't going to go but I convinced him. I guess he's the same guy who passed up SB tickets in 86. Bought a new camera, hoping I can get a great spot tomorrow. I have a feeling there's gonna be a lot of people there. Forecast doesn't look that great but this win was a big deal.
  11. I'll see you there The one in NY that is.
  12. It's not as if Boss is that great either. Two huge catches a game he seems to get. Doesn't set the world on fire. But our team is obviously proving to be better off without him. I hope he proves me wrong, but I don't feel we need him.
  13. I tuned in at the beginning of the show turned it off and tuned back in a minute ago. They're doing the same thing two hours later. Isn't this considered dogfighting?
  14. Ryan Seacrest just doesn't do it for me. Red carpet? What the hell have they done to our game.
  17. Smith's gonna light it up.
  18. The Wilpons are trying to get every cent that they can out of these negotiations. They're playing hardball. They're hoping Johan's agent is a pussy. If not, he'll be getting his years and money. No worries it'll get done.
  19. Honestly if we dont sign him I give up. I really do. There's no way we won't. It's impossible.
  20. But it would've been cool if it was 2317
  21. You won the ticket lottery? Lucky bastard.
  22. This gets at me. Eli responded to Tiki after tiki took a shot at him on NBC. But some do not know, Tiki took another shot at Eli on his Barber radio show with Ronde. Him and Ronde were mocking Eli. Making fun of his voice, piling on him. You're not the victim Tiki, sorry. You're record speaks for itself. Ask Strahan.
  23. Joba has to be the closer of the future. Leave him in the pen. It becomes a 6-7 inning game if that's the case. Usually that expression is used loosley but its 100% correct here.
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