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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Antoinio Cromartie would be a good one too.
  2. i don't see why you guys are even discussing trading for a talented corner in our division. there's no way the eagles trade lito to us. and why would they do it for madison?
  3. Todd Colllins will follow Saunders to St. Louis I heard Cleo Lemon is an FA. Maybe he'd settle for a backup job here.
  4. NFL.com has the DVD. And as for the commemorative football, there's better things of value out there. I would not do it. If you're looking for a prized collectible from the game you have to be patient. There'll be new stuff coming out every week.
  5. Our only FA signing was 1 year 1 mill to Kawika so I imagine we should get something.
  6. We cut a lot big name guys last year (Emmons, Lavar, Morton, Luke, etc.) and was wondering if we can get some second day picks out of that? Or is it just out of FAs that leave?
  7. Lorenzen's not even second string. Rod Coleman is an animal when he's healthy.
  8. If Kenny Phillips falls past 23 or something I can see Reese trading up for him.
  9. He was underrated in September-December and may be overrated now. Such is a life of a quarterback.
  10. He won't be coming back. Too much money for a decent safety at best.
  11. Nice site, almost what I'm looking for.
  12. I'm looking for something framed anyway. 16 by 20 is the goal. There's a nice shot of Tyree but I'm not forcing anything. VGs right there'll be a lot of things coming out.
  13. A piece of memorabillia with Eli escaping and Tyree making the catch? That's the thing I'm hunting for right now...
  14. Moss is done. He was inactive the entire postseason, do you really think the Giants have any use for him? Jennings makes the team over Moss IMO.
  15. Tom BRady's taken a pay cut for the Pats to land better players before, and he'll do it again for Moss. I'd be stunned if Randy leaves. But if he does, at least we know how to cover him
  16. McNabb played very average against the Cowboys. He lit up the Saints, but so did Luke McCown. And then he had an okay game against the Bills. The Eagles do worry me, no one should sleep on them. But those last three games didn't prove to me that much.
  17. He fired the agent that signed the deal, not a good sign.
  18. Gibril's not coming back. He's one of the top safety FAs in a weak market where many teams need a safety. It appears Reese is leaning towards a more conservative style of re-signing and keeping players. Giving Gibril a huge pay day is not what he has in mind. Michael Johnson will start next year, and maybe we'll draft someone or get a different FA. Osi is definitely holding out. Atari Bigby is a RFA.
  19. There is a little risk on our end if we do that too. I mean, what if our D goes down the shithole in 08 and 09 after we guarantee him the '10 job? Just saying. I say we start grooming one of our LB/DB/DL coaches in the mold of Spags in terms of philosophy
  20. Fake Boston accent or not This guy is hilarious
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