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Everything posted by gateb

  1. PFT reports that Dave Spadaro (Eagles writer) has gone from saying the Giants are the most unimpressive 8-4 team he's ever seen, to the most unimpressive super bowl winner of all time. More to come.
  2. That article didn't even say we were interested in him. We were just mentioned as a likely destination based on speculation.
  3. I feel bad for L Millz. He's got an attitude problem but it got blown up so much over his few years here. I wish him the best.
  4. You don't like that he's threatening to nail a college kid in the head for laying down a bunt?
  5. Very replaceable, but by who? Erik Coleman could be an adequate replacement. All I know is I'm happy we didn't shell out that much money. Hopefully we find another Tanard Jackson in this years draft.
  6. I thought Samuel couldn't do press coverage? They signed him to a relatively normal deal. It's a good move for them.
  7. Not necessarily. If the team that tagged him would accept less than it can happen. Unless it is an exclusive tag, which Trufant didn't get I think.
  8. I guess because they feel they can't lock him up. He's under the tag right now.
  9. sorry i forgot to put him in the post. Yeah it's Trufant. Does the Seattle system parallel to ours that it'd be a good fit?
  10. Clayton said talks between the Giants and Seahawks are getting pretty heated. We give them either our first and second round picks of 2008 OR our first round picks in both 2008 and 2009. Wow.
  11. But Dockery, Webster, and Ross are.
  12. Honestly, they can have him. Beating them would be sooooo satisfying if that happened. And if they win it all, how good can it feel to win a SB with a madden lineup? It's not gonna happen though. It's one thing for them to put up a big offer for him, it's another for them to get into a bidding war.
  13. Smokescreen... I don't see Giants selecting a corner in the first again. We have a solid set in Ross Webster, Dockery, McQuarters, and Madison, one of which will be cut. I think the only reason we are looking into the Hall's and Trufant's is because Reese is intent on getting a shutdown corner to really distinguish this defense.
  14. Trading period doesn't begin until February 29th.
  15. I disagree. You can't call him a steal, the guy hasn't played protective football in over a year. It's not risky at all and could have a decent reward, but as far as I'm concerned he's just the next Emmons/Arrington/Spikes to enter the East. Nothing but a name. Wade will most likely try to incorporate him the same way he did Donnie Edwards, when those two are two different players. Zach's a good player, but I remember Dolphins defenses doing great in the first half of the year and then falling apart in the second half. Zach was a part of both of those.
  16. He played on one ankle and showed incredible grit playing through pain. The fact that he's 30 is the only thing that worries me with giving an extension. This is kind of like the Owens thing after the SB. Except Plax isn't due 49 million, he's due ten. IMO that was Accorsi's bad for frontloading it, if he backloaded it we avoid this.
  17. Maybe they think it'll be of better use in mid October. Keep in mind this is opening night we're talking about, they don't need to find the best possible divisional rivalry to use. Giants-Cowboys would be a great opening night to attend though...
  18. gateb


    This backs up Seph's story... He didn't say anything about future plans for skiing so...
  19. There was an article a couple of days ago about Mara negotiating with businesses to allow this to happen. He says he's getting positive feedback and it should work out well.
  20. I don't think NBC wants to do back to back Giants-Cowboys games to open the year.
  21. That can be said for Osi but not for Plax. The guy risked it all this year, he's Manning's #1 target, and he only has 2-3 years left in his deal. Give him a new deal, Strahan too, but stay pat on Osi.
  22. The champs always open up at home, and we play the Steelers in Heinz Field this year. So it has to be against one of these teams: NFC East Seattle, San Fran, Cincinatti, Baltimore, Carolina
  23. At least it starts half an hour earlier than the ABC days.
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