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Everything posted by gateb

  1. If Strahan comes back there might be a chance Tuck plays even more at DT. Cofield is solid, I love Robbins, and some scout compared Jay Alford's first step to that of Tommie Harris. Russell Davis is okay too.
  2. Who is Brandon Moss anyway? Nice stroke.
  3. I think it's the Giants more than the Mets. I'm feeling the same way and every time I watch the Giants DVD I think more about our Thursday Night Giants opener than March 31st. I'm just dreading when I'm with my friends and a text message comes in saying that the Phillies are up 8-3 in the top of the 6th when Johan was pitching. I was looking through the Phillies roster, and they are either close (like SS) or have us beat easily at every position except 3b and CF where we clearly win. And their guys look a lot more durable. The only thing that's getting me excited about baseball is John Maine...
  4. I don't think Eli has much confidence in him.
  5. That was a very generous offer from NO. When you think about it, they're investing that much into a guy who has never played in a game in week 17 in his career, has had one or two devastating injuries and many other nagging ones, does raise some minor red flags, and has shown that he isn't the same guy as he was in his rookie year. I'm not saying we should do it but id like to see how they can up that offer.
  6. I DVRed it. Anyone know how to convert DVR to DVD?
  7. This means Diehl is our LT of the future.
  8. I disagree. Welker makes it look so easy that people think a guy with speed and good cutting ability could play his role equally as well. If our coaches were as high on him as our fanbase is, he wouldn't have been inactive the last five games. In a book that I read it was said that a big reason we drafted him was because EA promised his family he would do whatever it took to get Sinorice.
  9. That's what I've been saying. TC really loved Jennings last year and if MJ didn't lose his speed with his injury he'll make the roster over Moss.
  10. :brooding: Pelfrey is Exhibit A for why rushing prospects is bad.
  11. I remember reading something on him in late February that said he may be back after the All-Star Break.
  12. It's funny, because every Giants player insists the turning point was the Bills game. And I believe them. That's when our D started to really turn it up in every facet. And through it all in Buffalo, I don't think Eli played as bad as it was played as. The two INTs, especailly the second one, were awful. But he had a gorgeous 50 yard throw, one of the best of his career, dropped that wouldve been a TD. Then he fumbled at the end of the drive. He had some clutch third and long throws. It was really the turnovers that were inexcusable, but from a throwing standpoint, it wasn't that terrible. It was borderline average really.
  13. If only those two pitches like this a week earlier when Lohse was still on the market... Think the Royals are willing to trade back Bannister for Burgos?
  14. I agree, we rushed up Milledge too. That's why I hope F-Mart doesn't see NY this year. If it weren't for the Atlanta game, I'd really be done with him. Consistently at 94-95 and his slider was just nasty. It just seems that whenever he has a chance to establish himself as a clear member of our rotation he falters. Today was a perfect chance.
  15. How much more time does Pelfrey need? It's clear he doesn't have the stones to pitch an agressive gameplan, and his fastball doesn't have as much movement as it was said when he was coming up.
  16. He's probably working for the Dolphins now anyway.
  17. Too bad I don't have it. When I saw the title I thought of three games: Skins, Lions, and Bears.
  18. Maine's fastball had a lot more giddy-up on Tuesday then it did at any point last year.
  19. So did Deangelo Hall :lol: btw, Ocho said he really wanted to be a Dolphin too.
  20. It was getting to the point where "the process" was getting out of hand. No way does each team need 15 minutes that desperately. Draft day is mostly for teams building for the future, but it is a tv event nowadays.
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