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Everything posted by gateb

  1. gateb


    This is pathetic. I didn't watch the game, but I sent for Mets text alerts every 20 minutes or so. When I saw it was the 7th and we had 2 runs against Moyer I knew we'd lose. Castillo's hurt? Rollins is??
  2. He had one off game. He'd been hitting better before today.
  3. gateb


    I knew you'd like that one. His first interview for 1050 is tomorrow right?
  4. Cowboys game was pure joy, NFCCG was pure emotion, and the SB was pure disbelief. It'll never get better than this. Idk about you guys but I enjoyed the Packers game more than the SB itself. Happiness set in for me right after we beat the Packers, it took about a week for the SB victory feeling to sink in for me.
  5. gateb


    That 40 million goes to the one position we have every other team beat in... the closer The strong stench of mediocrity is going to hover over baseball for a long time.
  6. It's very frustrating when there's a runner on third and one out and you know the guy at the plate can't hit the ball in the air more than 100 feet. Think Gotay would've brought the run in? :brooding:
  7. Down 1-0 you really would have wanted Santana batting for himself in the 8th? Instead of blaming willie why don't you blame the players who arent hitting in clutch situations?
  8. gateb


    It's not as if the Mets are the only ones that look bad. We aren't that good a team, xxi is right about that, but neither are any other teams. In the whole league. Look no further than our division. Phillies have a much better lineup, but their bullpen has no reliable bridge to an even more unreliable closer. Soriano sure didn't look that great today either. It really comes down to being able to being the most fundamentally sound team out there and find ways to win close games. Right now we've shown the ability to do neither. There are a lot of teams sailing on average right now.
  9. gateb


    Very uninspiring.
  10. gateb


    The only thing that willie did wrong yesterday was leave sosa in to face johnson. The rest was simply the braves getting timely hits and us not. If it makes you feel better to blame willie than have it.
  11. gateb


    Looked good today. I'll take 270ish with the same HR prodcution as last year and more RBI #s. Higher OBP too.
  12. I don't trust anyone in this lineup after Wright bats. No hits from the 5th-10th. I thought Wright had that homer there. He's the fucking man. Big start for Ollie tonight. Miller got us pretty good in Detroit I think except for D-Wright's 3 run homer.
  13. Got beat twice inside today. I jumped higher than I did with Ramon Castro's almost grand slam the last game of the year last year when I saw Delgado hit that. He's the only thing that'll keep us close to the Phillies bats...
  14. Reyes was raking too. I really got everything I asked for today except a Delgado hit. That was a really refreshing win.
  15. He was right... we didn't get anything from the Bannister trade.
  16. Watching the DVD showed me that Strahan is truly the heart and soul of our team. His pre-game speeches are awesome. I used to not care much either way for him, but now he's definitely one of my all-time favorites.
  17. The lights reflecting on the field too. IMO I didn't realize the privelege i had of going to giants games until 05 so I'm still kind of in awe in certain situations like night games. Maybe it's that for the night games a lot of the old guys sell their seats to younger fans who add to the atmosphere.
  18. I just think the atmosphere is a leg up. I look forward to going to the night games the most during the season. I can't explain it, I just feel an extra spark. Even 4:15 games in December.
  19. It's gonna be really special that night. Prime time game to open the year setting out to defend our title... doesn't get much better than that
  20. You prefer watching Eli throw 4 picks in person?
  21. Damn you just beat me. I don't really like that game. I was really sold that it would be Bengals. It's almost symbolic. The last Giants-Redskins night game was kinda like where it all began. By far the worst game I ever went to.
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