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Everything posted by gateb

  1. I'm sorry but if Eli swoons in December worse than ever and winds up with more INTs than TDs and we miss the playoffs there'll be a lot of bitching in New York. Not from the logical fans, but it's not as if the concencus of NY is made of them anyway... I doubt it will happen but if it does people will be right down his throat again.
  2. Baseball used to serve as a bridge to get me to football season. Now it's become much more than that. When someone asked me what I wanted to happen more on September 30th, I said Giants w/o even hesitating. While I'm not high on this team at all, there may be a time in November when someone bumps threads like these and goes "man, why were we that pessimistic about this team?" unlikely, but if it does happen, i do look smart in this post
  3. Take away the contracted part and that sounds just like the last GM we had. And the one before that. Looks like Omar fits in well.
  4. Here are the standings throughout the league. The only legitimate team that is substantially above .500 IMO is the D'backs, who I had playing the Indians in this year's WS. The Indians, BTW, aren't getting much from their top two starting pitchers either. If you look around the league, not many fans are happy right now. Again, I don't think we are that great a team either. But I think we're gonna have no choice to stick with our guns come late July because there is no way in hell after last year Omar is raising the the red flag and will go on a firesale when we're still going to be in it.
  5. Meanwhile the Phils were just up 5-4 in the 8th and lost in extras. Remember the NL Central the past couple of years? There'll be five times as many of those divisions by the end of the year. Hopefully the Single-A farm system that Omar's raving about is as good as he says.
  6. I bet 95% of fanbases around the league feel just as suspect about their teams as we do.
  7. I don't care that we scored seven runs and our pitching gave up nine, the achilles heel of this team and what is doing us in is our hitting. Two situations in the game where we had first and third and no out with the heart of our order up against two struggling pitchers. We scored zero runs in those spots. It'd be great to see if Willie has the sac to pull Castillo for Easley when Reyes is healthy but that just isn't happening. Nor is Castillo gonna be dropped down in the lineup, which sucks too. We can't hit with RISP and we don't hit many home runs. How can we expect to match with the Phillies run for run at the Bank when our top pitchers can't keep the ball on the ground? There's a lot of mediocre teams out there that'll provide us with a sense false hope. We'll be in it by default for the last two months, and we'll see if we shrivel up again.
  8. This is the equivalent to saying that the Giants season is over three quarters into our second pre-season game. It was a terrible loss today but there are a lot of mediocre teams out there. We're one of them, but you never know.
  9. It seems Wright always grounds out on the first pitch in these spots.
  10. The yanks made the workers dig out the shirt. It was an Ortiz t-shirt. Maybe the only thing was being cursed was Ortiz. The Yanks are considering filing a lawsuit against the worker.
  11. I would do it. We're moving up 51 slots at the cost of a TE. I don't want to force trading Shockey but that'd be an absolute steal... if we have a plan on what to do at 13.
  12. Pagan has to be our regular #2 hitter over Castillo. He's given great ABs which Castillo has not done. I'm afraid the only way for our offense to get back to top form next year is to overpay Mark Teixera.
  13. I thought it was a little ridiculous some of the hype he was getting. He gave up the most homers in the AL last year. Santana is still the least of my worries. The fact that it'll take us 4 hits to get a run or 2 home is what I'm worreid about.
  14. It happened twice. I think they missed out on DJ Williams one year.
  15. He's gotten so valuable as a blocker. After Shockey went down, Jacobs had that big game against the worst rush defense in the league then virtually dissappeared. It's like trading a defensive catcher who still bats .290. Boss was productive for us, but he had one or two catches a game when defenses weren't even focusing on him. Could be a nice player, but doesn't bring out the impact that Shockey does.
  16. Fuck you Pelfrey can earn some stripes tonight.
  17. Please elaborate for those who were a fetus during that time
  18. I'm reading some quotes and I'm getting pissed off. Manuel is being a jackass, and Utley is being a bitch. Phillies fans are mocking the Mets too. I know this team isn't that great but I want to be fucking beat these guys.
  19. So Citi Field is having negative affects on hitters? I was watching the encore and when I first saw it i was stunned. its almost torturous watching us play in this dump when that is so close.
  20. How was our hitting today, invididually wise. Obviously it wasn't good if it was 2 runs.
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