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Everything posted by gateb

  1. I have no problem with Shea fans booing anymore.
  2. Seriously, can someone email Bill James and ask him to find out how many 3-1 pitches Castillo swings at?
  3. lmao ive never seen 5 runs as unimpressive as they have come tonight.
  4. You got a two for one there.
  5. After the Phils game Sunday the last two haven't been surprising. Monday was a prime position for a poor game, late night, emotional game/weekend against Phillies, and one of the best aces in the league that always gives us trouble. Then a day game following it against a lefty pitcher who struggles. Worst possible combination.
  6. Nah, not in this city. Hopefully that gives him incentive to keep getting better.
  7. The Nats have a situation. Nick Johnson is undoubtedly their starter at 1b and Dmitri Young is a player that could help them acquire some prospects. Make the call Omar...
  8. The way duaner is pitching willie should consider relegating Heilman to the 7th inning role. It may do good for him. In his defense he was put in a nasty spot with their 3-4-5 guys up.
  9. Reese said it himself that he thought his draft last year was a little overrated. These guys always have something to prove. Scouting is crucial but the draft is still a crapshoot.
  10. Seriously this is absolutely terrible on Luis's part. His one strength, the one time I ever felt confident with him at the plate, and he can't even get the bat on the ball. Terrible.
  11. Where did that one come from anyway? I would do that one in a heartbeat.
  12. we have a gaping hole at TE if he does leave. Is Boss ready yet? Defenses haven't focused on him, and he still has some work to do with blocking. I'd really love to keep him for another year but with all this other stuff coming up I really don't know what to think.
  13. gateb


    How far back did you go for this?
  14. Last night was our K-mart lineup anyway. I don't expect a lineup with the likes of Clark Castillo and Casanova rounding up the order to do much. Hamels will be a tough test tonight. Hopefully we can work the count and get 3-4 runs and boot him out after 6.
  15. It was wrong. It wasn't even his fastball, it was a sinker.
  16. Has willie ever pinch hit for a catcher with a catcher before? The bottom half would be a good time to start.
  17. The good news is he will have one off day every 4 days.
  18. We weren't winning that game whether Reyes danced the previous day or not. Keith was right when he bickered about it last year. It's fine in the dugout... just keep it there.
  19. I feel so much more comftorable with this lineup as long as church continues to stroke the way he is. Castillo seems very adept at helping us clear the pitcher's spot in the order.
  20. Church has been very impressive.
  21. I guess it's considered to be so great because that game changed the way football was run forever. Ours may have been the greater upset, but it wont have that type of long term impact
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