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Everything posted by gateb

  1. i dont think the general response in NY would be that great if Eli did that to his oline.
  2. Emotion didn't look so great in that instance.
  3. Or against DAllas when Super Mario goes up against Pacman.
  4. Looks like Brandon London has some serious competition for PS Wr.
  5. The media needs to get a clue. And I'm saying that as someone who's dream is to become part of the media.
  6. He doesn't know when to fall either. Against the Lions he had a nice catch on third down over the middle but kept on juking into no mans land than fumbled it in their territory. One thing I give Plax credit for is going down right when he gets the ball over the middle. Keeps himself safe and keeps the ball too.
  7. I don't see anything that he said that would merit a C+. The only pick he seemed down on was our 199th pick. Does he expect a guy like Brady to go there every time or something?
  8. His pace seems good enough to me. I lvoe the insight he brings. I don't see anyone on that set that can compare with him overall. Except Schlereth.
  9. At minimum I hope to see Andre on the PS. His major downfall is his extremely slow release. Almost slower than Leftwich.
  10. Jaws is by far the best analyst on set. Whenever he talks about a QB, I listen.
  11. Making the rest of your post irrelevant Heading into the draft where would you have directed most of the attention towards? From what I see we got three capable ST players, depth in the secondary and LB where it was once the weakest. A playmaking threat (we'll see how that goes) and a possible legit backup.
  12. No shit Reese helped us out. You're saying that EA was an idiot though and didn't help us at all.
  13. Two UK QBs on our roster. You can never have too many pass rushers.
  14. 20 bucks says we rush up f-mart by august.
  15. EA built the foundation of our team. And he didn't blow up our cap selfishly as a last ditch attempt to get a ring. I have a lot of respect for that.
  16. I read that EA promised Sinorice's family that he would do anything in his power to get Sinorice, and he wanted to be a man of his word. He was close to taking Moss over Kiwanuka in the 1st.
  17. It doesn't matter what Reese says, the offense was in dier need of big explosive plays down the stretch and with that Moss still wasn't active throughout the playoffs. He's too small, afraid to get hit, and I think the sooner we giev up on him the better.
  18. Speaking of trading do you know what the Cowboys got in their multiple trades in the 4th?
  19. Jeters one of the most clutch players in history and you want him to bunt with a runner on third and 1 out?
  20. no doubt the Giants needed to expand the playbook. The short methodical drives worked in the playoffs but they won't do it for a 16 game season. Moss isn't the playmaker we expected, and we need a guy who cna turn 10 yards into 55.
  21. There's more to PR than speed. It is a shame to put his talent to waste but he's just not built as a football player. Reese says Mario has a chance to be a PR.
  22. He's done here. I'm not overly impressed with the football player Manningham. Press coverage will kill him.
  23. In a weak WR class these two weren't even drafted in the first round. I'm not worried about them. DeSean has the ability to be a gamebreaker, that's what I'm worried about.
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