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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Speaking of dominant setup men is Craig Hansen still in the minors? 2 years ago he was the closer of the future, wheres he been?
  2. That's why I was thrilled when I heard what Osi said when announcing he wouldn't hold out. I knew whatever he would do would be a domino effect on others like Snee, Jacobs, Plax, etc. He said something like "The Giants are a great organization and I know they'll do whatever it takes to take care of me." The Patriots had that type of respect from 53 players for years and that's how they became so good.
  3. nah i found it below some advertisement somewhere.
  4. Job offers would flow in by the second if Strahan announced he retired. Good stuff otherwise. T.O.'s popcorn schtick is really old.
  5. Hopefully he'd take it in stride like Ollie but i doubt it.
  6. We're a talented team but this NFC East is soooo good. It comes down to depth and the ability to win close games, which the 2007 giants were the best in ten years at.
  7. What makes Webb so great is that he does both.
  8. Ollie needs a shot in the rear. He's been very average this year. I'm interested in seeing if his play responds positively to that. This isnt gonna be the last time billy calls out a teammate this year.
  9. Normally I'd agree with you but something like this had to come from someone. Really the only other player that is qualified to call someone out is David Wright or maybe Johan Santana. And I don't want Wright doing something like that, let Wagner do the dirty work. Perez has been mediocre at best this year as our #2-3 starter. Someone needed to light a fire under his ass. I didn't like the talking to the wall comment, and there was only one other problem I had. Wagner said that we used every member of our bullpen the night before so Ollie needed to step up, but failed to mention he was the reason we had to use our entire pen that night for blowing the save. I really don't care about that though. I just want someone to give this team a wake up call.
  10. Let's not overreact when they do. Webb could shut down the 34 Yankees.
  11. Beltran wouldn't be part of a Nady trade. I'm talking about way down the road, at least a couple of years. At minimum we would get some stud pitching prospects and a guy we could groom as Beltran's heir.
  12. You're right. And the 24 guys before him didn't step up to the plate.
  13. i was actually thinking of the possibility of trading beltran about a week back when i thought about us re-acquiring Nady. Once Fernando comes up then him or Church could play center, and our corner outfielders would both be solid players that bat right and left handed, and have an idea at the plate. All of this is contingent on how fast we call up Fernando and how effective he is early.
  14. I can't criticize it. The team needs someone to provide a spark, at least Wagner's giving it a shot.
  15. Supposedly our Single-A system is loaded too.
  16. I dont think so. He's versatile and he's our main PR guy. Unless Mario proves hes the guy for that.
  17. Still I dont think hes been effective at all this year. 5.2 with 0 ER doesn't do that much. I dont think hes gone 6 this year
  18. i saw an article about it about a month back. the director of NFLN says fans aren't into the slow shot of a spiraling football anymore, they want more high action stuff. I've never heard more horseshit in my life. NFL Films is the best.
  19. im starting to buy into your selling out the team theory. almost every team in the league is mediocre right now. I don't think we're any better than anyone, and its clear the dbacks are the class of the NL, maybe even the majors. teams that are on top now could be set for a long time. the only way we have a prayer of catching up to them or past them is to start restocking the farm. there'll be a team out there interested in alou. there's a desperate team out there interested in delgado. Perez. Pedro (ok maybe thats a stretch). Really the only issue that could hamper us from trading those guys is money. If OMar would be willing to swallow the pill and take most of the deal for 08 then he can get some nice young players set for the opening of Citi Field and beyond. This may actually be an oppurtunity, not a disaster.
  20. For those that dont have NFLN? It's too bad NFLN wants to put an end to Films.
  21. Saturday is awesome. Word is this is his last year. Anyone else notice Peyton spit on himself at the 15 second mark?
  22. You know who the PHils and BRaves have coming up?
  23. Not only does it appear that his control got worse, but teams are fouling off more of his pitches, meaning his stuff just hasn't been there this year. It's so frustrating watching him pitch now. Good luck to the team that dishes 5 years and 60 million to him this offseason.
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