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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Even if he does cool down he's still incredibly valuable as a fielder. I think there's definitely a weakness in his swing on the down and in slider. That's where most pitches have been directed to him lately. The few that haven't have been hit hard which is a credit to Church.
  2. I'm not a fan of BJ being the one used on the screen passes. He dropped a few ones that could've gone far this year and doesn't go upfield as fast as Bradshaw. I know it's tempting to run plays devised to get him in the open field but it's hard. Those plays should go to AB this year and I think the success rate will go up.
  3. There's no way in hell the Giants would fire an OC after contributing big time to a Super Bowl run.
  4. lol i was talking about the Vikings. They bring all of those to the table and King still is puffing his chest out for picking the Vikes to be a surprise team.
  5. I didn't realize Garrett was a new hire for the boys.
  6. I used to like King but im getting really really tired of him. Nothing to do with us but based off his logic... especially for the Vikes. He acts like he's going out on such a limb. Yeah, and all those teams weren't bringing back a flat out superstar at RB, a top o-line and d-line, and one of the best pass rushers in the league. Vikes will be 7-9 this year. QB troubles will do them in.
  7. I think Snee's play is comparable to a Leonard Davis. He's so good, and I'm not that into the idea of moving around the oline like that.
  8. One play that sticks out with SHockey and Eli's miscommunications was Eli's first INT against the Bears. I've insisted ever since that play that Shockey was the one who fucked up in that one. Eli has missed open guys before, but ever, ever that badly. We have to give Shockey a shot back here in NY. There's 6 weeks until trade deadline. In that first month we'll see how these two look together and if past woes continue Shockey probably will show enough of the stats and the athleticism to command a 2nd round pick from the Saints.
  9. 3-0 in top of 2nd we have our 2-3-4 guys up AND WE SCORE 0 RUNS. Says all that needs to be said.
  10. Shockey's so valuable for blocking though, it's not just the 60 catches we have to make up. He's actually blocked defensive ends by himself before, and he's a beast in the running game. Boss is adequate in that department but for a team that works best when they stuff it down the opponent's throat, a guy like Shockey becomes so much more valuable. So is the downgrade in the passing offense and run blocking from the TE negated by the upgrade at LT, and G?
  11. True... it would be an upgrade at both guard and tackle if we could swing that deal.
  12. Plus Brown wouldn't have much of a spot on the team. Diehl is now making starting LT money and we locked up Seubert to be our starting guard. Unless we expected Snee to depart and Diehl to be his heir, there is no place for Brown on our team.
  13. I actually read somewhere after the SB a scout commented on how his first step off the line is comparable to Tommie Harris's. His pass rush skills are undeniable, a major reason why we reached for him slightly in the 3rd.
  14. This guy deserves every cent he gets. I don't think there's been a more valuable player on this team the last 4 years. His versatility is unbelievable and he's a leader too.
  15. I just found it surprising that Moss had such a productive game (for his standards), and the coaches used his back injury as an excuse to sit him down for the rest of the year. Makes you wonder how the Giants main guys feel about him. That's why I'm so down on him right now.
  16. The 3 scoreless outings are misleading... he hasn't gotten into the 6th inning in any of them. His stuff isn't there this year (so far). Teams are fouling off his balls more, there are less swings and misses, and they are laying off his breaking stuff. Not sure what that tells us, maybe its concentration or hes not in the right physical shape.
  17. He ran backwards against Washington on third down. From my perspective in the crowd he had the first and ran back then slipped i think.
  18. I was just pointing it out. You're right about the 6 out save. He just won't do it. At the same time looking around the league there are a lot of contenders that would kill for closer that has been as consistent as Wagner, even if not clutch. But I do agree. For his contract, he should be shutdown in all situations. What irks you more about billy? His mouth, or failing in clutch?
  19. And did you notice that Darling was all johan's great strike to ball ratio but ignored that he had like 75 pitches through 4 innings. I'm happy Willie put him out there in the sixth, and stuck with him with the bases loaded. He's your ace, push him past 110.
  20. El duque pitched that day and went 3 innings. We lost that game 11-10. Everyone except Feliciano sucked in that game. And Wagner actually did pitch 2 innings in a game this year.
  21. lol i feel like i just read a post by xxi. Good stuff though. At the same time if ollie picks it up big time its hard to say billy had nothing to do with it.
  22. We just took 2 out of 3 from the team with the best record in baseball whose starters were a combined 14-1 heading into the weekend. Not bad. Take momentum into LAD. Johan's gotta be more economical.
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