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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Did anyone else see Figueroa look to the Nats pen after getting Kearns out :lol: LETS GO KEARNZIE LETS GO!
  2. I think your friend is lying.
  3. The INT is in the vid. It's tough to make out what was in the shot but from my angle Shockey ran hard out of his break and it looked like an 8 yard curl. Burress ran a tight post but he was actually covered pretty tighltly by the CB. So if hypothetically Urlacher wasn't there I don't think it would have been completed. Man... what I'd do to be a fly in the room of the review of game film on Monday. Instead of blaming Shockey for not clearing out Urlacher (if it was actually intended for Plax) Eli noticeably stared down the WR in the shot. At least from what I saw.
  4. Don't bank on that... what if the Phils and Braves play worse than us*? *still discounting the Marlins
  5. I didn't see the game but according to Keith it was more of Arroyo being on his A game then we think. A year or two ago he had an exceptional season. Willie has Johan going against the Nats on Thursday... the rain out tomorrow hopefully will force him to pitch game 1 against the Yanks. Pelfrey and Johan pitched the same day, Pelfrey should be the one going Thursday.
  6. Yeah right around the trade deadline last year. It was essentially a dump but they actually good good value for him.. I like Betemit.
  7. Maybe we'll just do what the Yanks did with Proctor and Joba. Trade/dump Heilman and call up Kunz and hope to find lightning in a bottle. They also dumped a couple of other relievers last year but i forgot who. I know Myers was one.
  8. I think pagan is going to be sent down when Wise is activated. That would be the smart thing to do. No one in our pen really should be sent down right now and it'd be nice to have an 8th arm. Easley's played the OF before, I think Marlon has too.
  9. You expected an old team to hit well in back to back games of a double header? I'm pretty pleased after the last 4. Our big guys are hitting, Castillo should be out for a bit... all we need is our left side of the infield to start hitting more. Even though he had trouble AGAIN in the 6th I'm very happy with Perez today. He got a lot of swings and misses, which shows his stuff is coming back and his location is getting better. Swings and misses had been rare for him so far this year.
  10. He's been doing that since his 9ers days. He just wants money.
  11. That was actually really good. Add that to your blog
  12. I'm gonna be at Shea July 12th against the rockies and september 6th against the phils. Both on Saturday.
  13. Johan's a typical slow starter so I'm not worried. Just a little frustrated. One stat I love is that his ERA against teams gets better and better as the winning percentages get higher and higher.
  14. Man Rod Coleman has really fallen fast. He was a dominant pass rushing DT as short as a year ago.
  15. Actually in a doubleheader you want your ace to go more than 6 innings against a last place team.
  16. How many more threads of these are there gonna be?
  17. That's kinda what I was saying Nem...
  18. His pitch count is so up lately because he can't get that quick inning.
  19. I bet Snee takes some sort of hometown discount with us. I know we're pretty set on not overpaying our guys to resign them but Snee's gotta be an exception. He's tremendous.
  20. Taylor was turning the corner big time as a player too. I'm not surprised at all Kenny took this #.
  21. Can you dig that one up? I don't remember it. I've seen the play at least 4 or 5 times and it looked like eli did everything right on the play. He threw it with confidence, tight spiral, and set his feet. He did all the things that he never does on his INTs.
  22. Only one guy in this thread posted something that could be deemed unrealistic as Church... and it wasn't even that unrealistic.
  23. He'll probably end up at that middle ground of .280ish against lefties.. and if he hits righties well then that still means he had a very solid year with the bat.
  24. He's at least a threat to immediately turn around and take off when he gets his hands on the ball... Jacobs isn't. Ward is effective on the screens too.
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