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Everything posted by gateb

  1. The wilpons and Omar both have hinted they want to get younger. I think i'm their guy.
  2. The hooplah surrounding this is ridiculous. People are saying that this will ignite the team. Am I the only one that feels a manager making an idiot of himself doesnt really help?
  3. 9-38 are you kidding me? All I've been hearing is how at least we have a bunch of talent coming upward from the Single A. This team needs big time rejuvenation in the farm. I really have no mind at all if it comes at the expense of our current roster.
  4. Johan's pitched more as a contact guy this year. I read on metsblog.com that a scout said he's lost velocity on his fastball and that has been noticeable. Teams have been hitting him hard all year.
  5. Seriously what can I do to it that is legal, subtle, and has enough magic that could reverse our curse? I'm open to anything right now.
  6. Mhmm. Except for Reyes... i dont think we can cut ties with him at this point. Other then that I agree it is much more important to get an infusion of young talent then stick around .500 and hope other teams play as average as us.
  7. It'll take until the all-star break i think for Joba to get set to be a starter anyway. I don't think the 8th inning is overrated. Teams that come to bat have a major sense of urgency to get some runs in with the closer looming in the 9th. And the hitters have usually had 3 ABs under their belt and are into the intensity of the game so they are locked in.
  8. Bruneys out till at least September and Ohlendord is average. The departure of Joba from the pen makes the Yanks best reliever as Kyle Farnsworth, which is a real killer to the yanks chances this season.
  9. I jinxed Reyes there... even though the SS ruined it he really hit a DP.
  10. I'm actually reading Strahan's book right now. Holy shit, that chapter where Strahan bitches about TC is hilarious.
  11. If it makes you feel better Reyes and Wright are both about to get hot... Reyes is back to his 06 stance... noticeable change. That's really all we have going for us right now. Nice play Larry.
  12. I think your looking into it too much. TC said after we drafted him he expected for him to gain weight naturally as he got older and Boss mustve been really committed for that.
  13. He'll lose a lot of that weight back at camp.
  14. Anyone else notice how SNY hasn't shown Willie once this game?
  15. I love watching Wright but I want to enjoy watching Reyes again. They'll keep it interesting up until at least August when at that point I'll have training camp reports twice a day to ease my mind.
  16. No if theres one thing I give Osi credit for its for becoming more of an all around end. He's been much more effective against the run and not nearly as often is he caught over pursuing. In week 17 he ripped Matt Light to shreds but didnt get a sack. In the SB he had a very good game too but I think he only got one. He made his impact felt, he's just gotta stop relying on a couple of moves and vary it up more.
  17. And his skillset proves that he was a tremendous pass rusher. That's why I think LBs are considered pass rushers. They don't just go to the QB untouched every time.
  18. This section of swrath personifies exactly what the media says about the fans... party one day and the end of the world the next.
  19. In that case i guess you can say LT isnt considered one of the greatest pass rushers ever...
  20. Ultimately a .500 team will most likely win the WS. Unless its the Red Sox or d'backs.
  21. First of all there will always be football. Owners simply make too much off of it. The problem is the players know they have that leverage and will hold it on them as long as they want while the owners will try and stick with their plan. It's good that they opted out now because this was an inevitable issue... at least they're going to get a head start on further negotiations. I don't want to imagine the NFL without a cap.
  22. Which was why a dominant pass rushing DT as Tuck was down the stretch became so valuable.
  23. I'm not talking stats. The topic is best pass rushers, and sometimes stats don't tell that whole story. Teams dont fear Osi as much as Mario and Allen. Not to take away from Osi's great past few years but he's also been the beneficiary of something Mario and Allen haven't, a top notch pass rusher opposite him. We're not talking about proving himself over a long string of time, it's who is the best pass rusher skill wise. I think Allen and Mario have Osi beat in that. What I said was Osi doesn't do enough bull rushing.
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