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Everything posted by gateb

  1. I didn't think 13 people could make a chant that loud.
  2. As depressing as that is that was hilarious
  3. This isnt about the team this is about the jewel of our farm system that has been underperforming dramatically since the All-Star break last year. In the case of Reyes we have every right to bitch about him. I would like to know how many DPs it takes for Willie to bench Castillo.
  4. Do you think we'll score that many?
  5. And after Maine hit Felipe Lopez on the first pitch of the game: "This is where Mets fans will say it all started."
  6. Darling's statement after his 2nd homer is ridiculous. "Fans will look back on Memorial Day and say it was Reyes's error that finally woke him up." It was obviously this thread.
  7. Picked off of first, booted a DP ball that wound up being a 3 run bomb later on.
  8. you did hit this season on the head... it just kills me after every loss it cant get any worse so it can only get better and after every win its "their on their way" the only time i felt comftorable that we were heading in the right direction was after the yanks game because it was striking how different and intense they played. even the 5 game winning streak wasnt that good. and the rest of the year has been below .500.
  9. it must take its toll being a jet and met fan. let me guess, knicks too? honestly i dont hold any bitterness to the yanks anymore. i dont care enough and im not bothered personally by any of their players. i used to dislike arod but for all the shit he goes through its easy to see he is one hell of a baseball player.
  10. There will be games when our line is invisible. It's impossible to maintain top intensity through a 16 game season. I expect our defense to be very solid this year but let's keep it to a realistic tune. Our LB situation is shaky right now and we're relying on young players in our secondary.
  11. No matter who is the manager the fact is the Mets need to be youth-anized.
  12. I agree with you but do you think this seals it? We basically got our asses handed to us by a triple-AAA roster this weekend.
  13. Dont want to be a pessimist but the scheme was different to opposing offenses too. Now that they've got their feet wet they have a better idea whats coming.
  14. Castillo has hit into two DPs when there was a hit and run going. HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HAPPEN?
  15. Reyes has gotta cut the shit with the mental errors.
  16. How's Gotay doing? The thing that sucks is he always gets those RBI singles up 7-2 and that gives Willie false reasoning to continue to start him. I don't think there's a single more frustrating player in the game.
  17. Carter said the media misconstrued what he said, as always. He's not making friends if he plans on getting the job. At least Omar gave willie something like a vote of confidence yesterday. The one thing that's been pissing me off is how indirect Omar and the WIlpons have been in determining Willie's future. That had to hurt the stability in the clubhouse.
  18. He has a nice gap to gap approach. I wonder if he is an adequate fielder at 1b. He looks pretty small for that. He has to bulk up some.
  19. thats an interesting theory but i doubt it. keep in mind their jobs are always on the line. a successive string of bad calls can get their pay reduced or their job taken away.
  20. Gary Carter is self-promoting himself.
  21. I have a tough time thinking of a worse signing for a non-high profile player.
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