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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Most overhyped start ever? All that for 2 and 1/3
  2. 6 innings 3 runs and a psychological boost is all i can ask for...
  3. gateb


    One guy on that trip went to my high school.
  4. I hope so. I was into the idea of trading him a month ago but now I don't think anyone will give us anything for him. So we gave away a solid hitting corner OF for a crappy pitcher and a 39 year old reliever in 06. Omar was beating his chest the whole year in 07 about the Perez acquisition where is he now?
  5. that looks different can you link me up to that?
  6. the funny thing is some team will dish 5 yrs. 70 million for him. the not funny thing is that'll be us.
  7. He signed a 7 year deal in 05 right? He's still playing at a high level and I think that's what we're doing with Whimper anyway. Did you hear McKenzie's name once this year? He's a stud.
  8. its funny. after the year ended last year the only real bright spot was shockey's play against the eagles in the playoffs and how we were so proud we had at least one player that gave a shit and played through everything. he was the same guy back then as he is now.
  9. I thought Church got jammed on that homer. He is one strong dude. Johan's gotta stop fucking around with lesser hitters. He smoked Dewitt in his first AB and fell behind 3-1 in the second AB with a 5 run lead. Walking Maza got me mad too. This fucking Chevy commercial is giving me a headache. After every half inning they play it.
  10. That's different. Strahan's been dreaming of this ring since he was 10 years old. Shockey felt he had no place to come and that was the truth. He didn't go to the Parade, to the White House, to the DVD airing, why should any one expect him to come to the ring ceremony?
  11. He is right that we can't rely on getting hot at the right time to make another run. We have to be more consistent during the season... especially seeing how tough the NFC east is going to be. I absolutely can't wait until the December 14th Sunday night showdown in Dallas.
  12. Shockey didn't come up because if he did people would expect him to work at the OTAs the next day and we all know that wasn't gonna happen. Not really that big of a deal in my eyes.
  13. It was good to see Beltran smoke one from the left side. Keith is right Carlos has been so snake bitten this year.
  14. He's limited to 70 pitches too. a 30 pitch 1st inning would really put a damper on that. I think Halladay is pitching for the Jays too.
  15. Who said it was all muscle? I'm sure there's some fat in there.
  16. I think Abreu is coming back next year. And I just get the vibe that the Yanks think the money they get back from the guys you mentioned will be better used for more than 2 players. And I don't know much about finances but I read somewhere that in 2010 in a possible uncapped year the Giants and Cowboys would have trouble overspending for FAs because of their new stadiums being put up. I'm not sure if that's right or not (it doesnt sound that way) but if it is wouldn't it hold true for the Yanks and Mets too?
  17. You think the Yanks are going to dish out a 100 million dollar deal and one close to 200? Because I think C.C. will be a Yankee and if he is it'll be for triple digits.
  18. Where'd you hear that Delgado was pissed?
  19. Probably the efficiency of their pitching.
  20. that play castillo made was HUGE in the 7th. That couldve been 2nd and third no outs with their 3-4-5 coming up and Santana slowly wearing down with his pitch count up. he's still the equivalent of a 9 year old batting from the left side but that was a great play.
  21. Easley Castro and Tatis were our main producers tonight. Who woulda thunk it.
  22. That doesn't help the team though. I hope Omar doesn't GM for us...
  23. My approach to this team is that anything above .500 is a bonus so I am not releasing Delgado in an attempt to reconcile this season. Instead I call every AL team out there interested in a player that is still capable of hitting it 400 feet either way and exclude the fact he's a .230 hitter. A team starved for power would give up something for him, and I would not let money interfere with a potential deal that gets us 2 decent prospects. I bite the bullet with his salary and pay 90% of it. If there are no takers, then I keep him. Releasing him wont do any good. Castillo we reastically have to keep for at least the rest of this season. At the end of the year, I ship his ass out. This year we can't do anything about. If there's an AL team willing to give up prospects for Alou then I jump right on it. I don't think there would be though, but if there is I do the same with Delgado and eat the contract. Keep in mind if we don't think we are getting proper value for Perez prospect wise we can still gain two first round picks in compensation if he signs a large deal, which is likely. So I sit back and see if any one offers something I like in this scenario. The fact that during a time when our 1b sucks we are moving our best 1b prospects to our OF makes me optimistic we will be big time bidders for Teixera's services. If we do acquire Texiera, then I'd like to explore the market to see who wants Beltran. He's still a fine player but he was never meant to play a 162 game season and with the sense of urgency NY has right now we can't afford to have our marquee player be in that condition. If we dont get Teixera then we gotta keep Carlos, he still is a power pat. I agree, lock up Maine while we can. Either trade Heilman or convert him to SP. Likely the former over the latter. As for Willie... I'd send a message to the players. I'd give Willie an extra year on his deal to prove that he's gonna be with us for the rest of the season and rid us of that distraction or I'd get rid of him. His status right now is what is killing the team and is the reason there is absolutely no stablity.
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