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Everything posted by gateb

  1. And I get yelled at by the MOD for you guys for merely posting that Sheffield was being selfish.
  2. It's not that he's old. But he's taken a beating over his years in Boston. He said it himself that his shoulder is getting worn out and being a leadoff hitter and CF isn't easy.
  3. Well, I'm going to be holding my breath every time Beltran or others step to the plate. If it was a couple months earlier then it'd be less stressful. Thank god Pedro isn't going in it though.
  4. Under no cap, there wouldn't be any asterisks by championships. Yanks have no asterisks by their championships. Point is, if we can get the best in the NFL and win, that's fine. But I want the cap to stay.
  5. Okay, so that's how we got all the runs. Obviously, Wright will not be hitting clean up this season. Well, at least I think he won't.
  6. Yanks did overpay him but it was a signing they had to make. CF was a real weak spot last season and to get a very good hitting one that can lead off is a nice pickup by the Yanks. And you guys still have Melky afer Damon is gone (maybe).
  7. Speaking of that, why don't you start playing some games with our sportswrath team?
  8. No, that was the FSU game, you're right link...
  9. Out of sheer curiousity, where do you learn this stuff? Sports management in college?
  10. Was that the game where Duke got lucky with the game winning half court three pointer?
  11. With his pitiful performance in Oakland, we don't even need a link to see that one
  12. We are one month three days away!
  13. Excellent choice Billy. That's how you win over some fans here in NY. Especially with you getting torn apart by guys like Kaz Matsui in spring training, it appears you need some practice.
  14. Hernandez hit a two run triple yesterday in an inter squad game or whatever the hell they are. We have something in this guy. Just get Matsui to do okay this season, let him leave, and then bring in Hernandez.
  15. I don't like it either. But it's baseball and I miss it, so I'll tune in from time to time. Maybe Beltran will find his swing across the seas. One thing that would worry me is possible jet lag or something like that. I remember the Yankees had an opening day in Japan a couple years ago and started out really slow after that, some of the blame went for the long trip to Japan and back. So that should be in our minds too. Why couldn't this be in January?
  16. Exhibition games are a waste of time. Doesn't the WBC start tomorrow?
  17. Now it gets serious in 2b.
  18. Maybe I'd go with Money's idea of trading down but I'd want a lot. Lendale White's going to be a hell of a player, I really don't want to pass up on that. I don't see why I bother go into detail though, figuring this isn't going to happen.
  19. But Law isn't even that good. Keep in mind that he has played against these QBs: Frerotte twice Losman and Holcomb Tuiasasopo Brooks Vick Griese And those are just some QBs off the top of my head. The only thing he really has to himself is his name and those 10 picks. His multiple penalties would give TC a headcase and don't think that he'd have as many INTs here as he did with the Jets. The amount of money he would get vs. the production he would give us wouldn't be worth it. Madison has been cut by the Dolphins. If EA really wants to get the big name guy, it'd be better off with him. As I know of, Sam won't be asking for as much as Law and is still a decent CB. Another guy to look out for is Ronde Barber. With no CBA extension probable, he may very well be cut. btw, I'm not implying that we should sign Madison, I'm just throwing a name out there.
  20. Don't take my word for it completely but I believe it is for guaranteed money, bonuses, etc.
  21. I'd do it. That's hypothetical of course but guys with those talent I believe are just guys you can't pass up on. Now, obviously if we're being more hypothetical and it's Vince Young or Jay Cutler, the answer is no because we are going to have Eli for a while. However, Tiki has stated that it's one or two more years for him. That would be kind of like the Larry Johnson scenario if we did draft White or Williams (which will not happen).
  22. Which are long gone and forgotten
  23. You're among friends with that. I do think that I'm starting to gain somewhat of a grasp over this nonsense. All the things the NFLPA and the owners are negotiating is what has me confused but I don't need to know what they are talking about.
  24. He got the game to how great it is today, which I believe is at its highest point from a fan's standpoind. And if there really is no cap for next off-season, then the NFL is hurt by it big time which taints Mara's memory.
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