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Everything posted by gateb

  1. Well, it appears nothing is normal. It's not great when you look at it on paper but when you think about it, there is no point in burning more of our money on other guys when you basically have three decent CBs, or at least, guys with potential. It's right in the middle.
  2. And his size certainly contributes to that.
  3. Buckley didn't replace him. I think Webster played as second CB and Buckley nickel but the way our defense is designed compared to the panthers, Buckley was lined up against Smith. And it turns out Corey gradually did improve down the stretch, starting with the Seahawks game on that 40 yard TD pass to Jurevicious. He was in excellent position on that play and started to improve from there on to the end of the season. The Chiefs game was his best IMO.
  4. Deloatch must have some sort of potential if EA continues to insist on him getting more playing time. And if Will P does return back at full health and appears motivated and as good as ever, keep him and put him at #2. However, RW is an average CB at best. With Webster, he played at a borderline average level except we know that he has potential. RW on the other hand really hasn't done much while playing CB lately.
  5. But we really have no idea as of now. And if we are playing TO twice a year again, Moss, Randle El, and Lloyd twice a year and more, I'm not going to have full faith that Webster will have an immediate impact this season. I do believe he will be a solid CB when given time but if we want to fill our hopes of winning now, Webster makes me a little bit nervous.
  6. Because we have Madison and EA has said that he wants to continue to have Deloatch and Webster get a good amount of playing time.
  7. We said the same thing last year didn't we? DT turned out to be one of our strong suits when we were healthy and just because Clancy left won't make us suck. However, I wouldn't mind seeing a more talented DT come in to perhaps turn our line into a dominant one. But with our money starting run out and it looks like we'll be spending the rest on Arrington and maybe a couple of others, this year may not be the year we sign that DT.
  8. The CB situation for us is a very confusing for us. Nothing is really right. Webster and Madison are not good enough to possibly contain the Skins, Cowboys, and maybe Eagles passing game while Webster should be starting from day one. So what do we do? We want Deloatch to play nickel but we need stronger depth at CB. Very confusing.
  9. Sometimes when I read your posts, I think the exact same thing about you.
  10. Maybe I've got a bias towards Helton but I just don't like him. Sometimes when I think about Todd, I don't really believe what I'm saying about him. I guess playing in Colorado really does hurt New Yorker's opinions of players doesn't it?
  11. Ironic that you are ALWAYS the next post after Floyd isn't it?
  12. So a signing of a potential dime CB deserves to be pinned. Wow
  13. I've also been a supporter of Will and now I would welcome him back even more with the possibility of TO in Dallas and the Skins new WR core. I'm not expecting Will to be back in an NYG uniform anyway.
  14. And to think many reports claimed that he was a Giant, a few hours after we signed Emmons. And I was content with Emmons at the time
  15. I think Helton will start to fall off the map this season and become more of a .270 type hitter. So I wouldn't keep him. Victor intrigues me considering this is supposedly his breakout year. But you don't need average and you could use team speed. All of the guys that you are going to start have proven to be consistent with their averages, hovering around .300 or possibly even higher. So what Reyes has to offer can overmatch the fact that he may bat around .275 or something like that. You're going to have the RBIs, the HRs, the BA, but now you need speed.
  16. Damn, I liked Thornton too. I thought he would've been a nice signing if we never came to a deal with Lavar or even before we were interested in Arrington.
  17. Didn't read that part. I think in that case we could've beat them... with, Peterson, Pierce, and Shockey 100% healthy. Of course, no team is ever 100% healthy during the post-season, no matter what the injury list says. So that really shouldn't be taken in for consideration.
  18. It's an interesting matchup. Two young, inexperienced QBs playing in their first post-season. We had a better running game and probably a better passing game no matter how bad eli looked in Carolina. Their defense is so much better then ours was though. I think the homefield would've also helped and eventually wind up getting them a 24-13 win. Although, their d did look pitiful, possibly worse then ours did against Carolina so you never know...
  19. I did want Bernard originally but seeing the numbers that he will be receiving in his contract, it is not worth it. We have four capable DTs as it is.
  20. Best guess is that they slowly put themselves in cap hell in 2013 when the new CBA expires and assume the deal will be done again. How do they do it?
  21. Very nice stuff by whoever made it. I've been looking for a Tiki highlight reel for a while.
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