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Everything posted by gateb

  1. They have a very capable offense especially if Ricky wins his appeal. Brown will only get better, Ricky seems to be starting to return to old form, and I can't name anyone or for that matter anything that could've stopped Chris Chambers down the stretch last year. I wouldn't bet that Daunte does good immediately. Still returning from injury, in new system. I do think it's a great move by the Fins though.
  2. My Dad was a Mets fan but could care less about baseball now. Was a diehard when he was a kid, now he's sick of the game. My Mom just doesn't care.
  3. We never attached "Can't miss" to his name either. When you have speed and proven that you can make some plays and are available in the 7th round, you have at least a little bit of upside.
  4. Yeah, how dare they set them up on opening day? Nothing doing for me, seriously considering the playing sick role seeing that I haven't been absent in over 3 months.
  5. A fourth round pick and an extra 3 mill or so would be worth two potentially dominating WRs and an excellent third WR to go along with Shockey, Barber, and the #1 overall pick with a talented line. I see the risk involved in this but considering we could still have money left over from a new deal like this one to go to our defense, it'd be a tremendous move.
  6. I already have my excuse. It's going to be "chronic stomach pains" and "excessive diarhea" specifically starting at 1:10 EST. I've got my headphones and radio ready to go. I really wanted to actually watch the game though.
  7. The Colts I'm sure would be extremely interested in that pick.
  8. Javon before he had this rough year or so, hasn't caused any bickering about being the #1 WR. We said the same thing about Keyshawn and at the press conference he said he doesn't even know what a #1 WR is other than Steve Smith.
  9. There were a few. Gibril's hit on Brad Johnson against Minnesota. Pierce's hits during the season were all hard for the most part, especially the hit on former Broncos Jeb Putzier. He like broke his jaw on that one. We certainly weren't the big playmaking defense though.
  10. Are we looking for can't miss guys in the seventh round? Anyone with an upside like Robinson I'll take in the 7th round. Not saying he has a great upside that will launch him as a starting position player in the NFL but he still has some nice speed and at least has some value.
  11. What, is this your Madden season?
  12. I just hope that Peyton gets off to a slow start like last season and we take advantage of that and finally get rolling for good on offense.
  13. Javon is an unlikely possibility and cutting Joseph is not a possiblity at all. Don't get too happy that something you posted a month ago was started in a new thread.
  14. I think the possible reward for this is greater then the problems that would come. At least if Bannister would struggle, it would be part of growing pains and he will gradually improve over time. And for all we know, he could make an immediate impact. But if Heilman were to struggle at fifth starter and then we move him to the pen it may hurt his confidence a bit and he won't be as affective in the pen. I think when the Mets have the type of pitching staff that we have, a risk may be needed to be taken. This may be it. I'm all for it... for now. I just want Heilman to remain happy and give it his all in the pen.
  15. And I agreed with you. It's obvious that if you brag about posts that you made a month or two ago than you must be in need of a self-esteem lift.
  16. I agree with you somewhat. I do think LB is a need but don't say that we need one because of the Panthers performance. What happened to our starting LBs was just catastrophic. I've never seen a division winner such as us go into the playoffs with those LBs starting.
  17. I don't see there being such a thing as a 7th rounder that sucks, especially the guy with the ability of Robinson.
  18. Jackson and Holmes are very very good from what I've heard. I'm not surprised we have interest in him but I would be surprised if they were our #1 priorities.
  19. Basically same thing. I was just throwing out the name Lavar out there because he is obviously the LB that appears to be most coveted by us.
  20. I think we basically are aware there will be interest from us in guys like him. Thanks for the report anyway.
  21. If we cap off this season by signing Lavar and miraculously a guy like Buckner, we should trade the pick for a future first rounder. We should have the deal in place and if a guy like Cromartie is not available at #25, then make the deal happen. Especially if we have a desperate team like the Bills were to Dallas a couple of years ago.
  22. I like this move. Shows guts on Willie's part and he knows we need extra bullpen help with Padilla out. Might as well start now to develop Bannister.
  23. I'm not leaving school early it turns out so I have to listen to opening day in the bathroom pretending I have diarhea
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